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  1. dirrtyd

    Some Pics of This Year's Outdoor Grow Attempt! ~ Feedback Welcomed!

    When are you going to transplant into a bigger pot. Then you can bury some of that stem and you will be fine. At the eigth node and ninth node take the pics and then you will know if they are male or female. keepem green dirrtyd
  2. dirrtyd

    Portland area greenhouse grow

    Not the oh dayum just you look. lol good people
  3. dirrtyd

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    Looking good so far be patient. dirrtyd
  4. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Well the gurls got a good dose of Maxsea today with some mollasses. They are getting real nice at this moment for sure . Some plants are larger than they were at this time last year some are smaller. I think this will be a banner year from the growth rate so far of all plants. I'm sure by the...
  5. dirrtyd

    happy frog soil and using synthetic fertilizers!

    In organics you dont use synthetics. Maybe you should ask you question in the outdoor section. Good Luck
  6. dirrtyd

    First Outdoor Grow

    Use the greenhouse it will help against rain and keep plants warmer. Go for it the seed is feminized also I would use supplemental lighting until you are ready to flower outside. Good Luck dirrtyd
  7. dirrtyd

    Candy curing!?

    Why would you mess up perfectly good buds with some pineapples or some other flavor than what you grew? Good Luck dirrtyd
  8. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Awe you in cali you dont need a big hole. Trust me those holes arent that big at all. Glad you could make it this year my friend. In my opinion I would wait at least two weeks before use with alot of turning. Well I added three more strains too the grow. They are pineapple express, atomic nl5...
  9. dirrtyd

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Okay the stalks from two of my gurls. enjoy dirrtyd
  10. dirrtyd

    KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

    Okay are you two coming or what I will show you a reveg for sure? Also some beautiful plants to take cuttings off of. All you will need is a starbucks cup or two or some plastic bags. Or how ever you do it come and get some clones. Keepem green dirrtyd
  11. dirrtyd

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    It wont work over the winter unless you use supplemental lighting trust me. Now what will work is throw a plant out in February from inside let it bud then harvest and reveg before the end of May.
  12. dirrtyd

    After Math of White fly and pre flowers, is it a hermi?, can anyone tell?

    The last pic is shoing pistils for sure so I say female. keepem green dirrtyd
  13. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Okay been very busy lately with Little League. Still winning on that front so far so good. Now the gurls in order the first pic is the blackwater from Cali Connection. The second pic is a mixed seed from CaliConnection. The third pic plant on the left is a mixed seed from Caliconnection the...
  14. dirrtyd

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    I thought I saw those stalks before maybe on another site. dirrtyd
  15. dirrtyd

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Let me know if you find a legit cut of the GSC. Also what are you guys going to do about this weekend? where are the new gurls at I know they should all be approaching 3ft now. keepem green dirrtyd
  16. dirrtyd

    Organic flowering fertilizer

    Jersey greensand is slow release. Unless you are recycling the soil not a good choice of K. You can topdress with kelp meal or do a soil drench with soluble kelp.Another complete fertilizer would be rainbow bloom. keepem green dirrtyd
  17. dirrtyd

    2012 outdoor grow (rd 3) by doowmd

    Looking nice for sure. keepem green dirrtyd
  18. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    The Ogkushxdjshortblueberry has gone through the cage already. definitely going to be a beast this year for sure. Pics later keeepem green dirrtyd
  19. dirrtyd

    Who Else in norcal has been getting more rain than usual for this time of year?

    Rain is not going to hurt the plants this time of year only make them stronger. keepem green dirrtyd
  20. dirrtyd

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Now that stalk is right for this time of year. The guy MMMB stalks are fake not that big this time of year I grow bushes. Mine are like ABM's are right now or a little bigger.keepem green dirrtyd