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  1. jrp677

    new grow room 250w or 400w hps?

    Here's a crude drawing of my flower room. I had to resize it to be able to post it so sorry if it's too small to see.
  2. jrp677

    new grow room 250w or 400w hps?

    The axial fans are only for air intake. I have a duct booster hooked up to my cooltube. The cooltube is definitely not hot to the touch, the glass is just barely warm so it leads me to believe that I have a heat buildup problem but I don't really understand why.
  3. jrp677

    new grow room 250w or 400w hps?

    I wish I had the option to keep the cabinet inside the house but I don't. The ballast is inside the cabinet but in a different section than the flower room. I use Sun System digital ballast and cooltube. I think you misread, the cabinet is 5 degrees COOLER than the garage when the light is...
  4. jrp677

    new grow room 250w or 400w hps?

    It runs almost exactly 10 degrees hotter than ambient when the light is on. It runs about 5 degrees cooler when the light is off. To answer your question the garage ranges from about 65-80 degrees between 10pm and 10am which is when the light is on. Do you have any suggestions of how I could...
  5. jrp677

    new grow room 250w or 400w hps?

    I'm running a 400 watt hps in a 6" cooltube. My cabinet is located in the garage and so far this summer I have been battling heat issues daily. I have to run the light at night due to the high daytime temps. My flower room dimensions are 3' x 2.5'. The flower room is Cooled by 2 x 4” axial...
  6. jrp677

    1st grow and and all advice welcome...w/ pics

    420 Cajun: If you're interested, here's a link to my journal. I have 3 plants that are about to start their 4th week of flowering, 2 seedlings, and several recently rooted clones.
  7. jrp677

    1st grow and and all advice welcome...w/ pics

    Its best to only water the plants when the soil is bone dry. This is what has worked for me: stick your finger about an inch into the soil, if the soil is moist don't water, if its dry then water the hell out of it and then let it dry up again. This helps with root expansion and avoids the...
  8. jrp677

    1st grow and and all advice welcome...w/ pics

    When it comes to droopage 99% of the time the cause is either overwatering or underwatering. Now that you've watered them just let them be until the soil dries up again, they'll be ok.:bigjoint:
  9. jrp677

    1st grow and and all advice welcome...w/ pics

    That fan will work just fine but keep in mind that if the temp in the room is between 80-85 degrees you will just be blowing hot air into the box. Marijuana thrives in temps around 70-75 degrees so If you can get the temp down about 10 degrees in the room you would have ideal temps. I battle...
  10. jrp677


    I agree, they don't look that bad in the pics but over watering will cause the leaves to droop. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil, if its moist don't water, if its dry then water the hell out of it and then let her dry up again. This method is great for root expansion and helps...
  11. jrp677

    1st grow and and all advice welcome...w/ pics

    The plants look good. I'm in the middle of my first grow and one thing I found out the hard way is that if you keep the lights too close to new sprouts it will stunt their growth. I don't think that you will have that problem with such low wattage bulbs but just a heads up, if you notice the...
  12. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    I can't tell you from experience since this is my first grow but from what I've read you should expect the plant to almost double in size by harvest time. Nice plant btw.:leaf:
  13. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    A day and a half ago my seedlings were yellowish, stunted, and curling up. the light was about 1 inch away from the seedlings but is now about 5 inches away. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! The seedlings are getting darker and actually growing now. I have a bad feeling that the seedlings won't be big...
  14. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    Thanks IGLAW, that makes sence. I moved things around a little, now the seedlings are about 4 inches from the bulb. Hopefully that will do the trick.
  15. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    Until today the clones and sprouts have been on a 24/0 cycle. Is it possible that the continuous hours of light caused the problems I'm having with the sprouts? I switched the cycle to 18/6 today and will keep it that way until I move them into the flower room. I considered that I may be...
  16. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    Day 14 of flowering: The heat wasn’t as intense this last week and I was able to get the temp down about 10 degrees by keeping one of the doors open during the light hours. The cabinet stays about 5 degrees cooler than ambient temp during the off hours so there isn’t an issue when the lights...
  17. jrp677

    First time grower with Questions. Please help

    You can use flourecent lights. They come in different spectrums so you want to use the correct spectrum for the different grow cycles. Use a daylight bulbs for the veg cycle and warm spectrum bulbs for the flowering cycle. The rule of thumb is to have 50 actual watts per square ft but 75+...
  18. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    12 Plants, LUCKY YOU! Oregon medical marijuana law only allows for 6 plants over 1 ft high and 1 ft wide :sad:. I'll keep my eyes pealed for your journal.:blsmoke:
  19. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    Ahhh, very nice Mr. Ganja. I bet you'll have roots in 1 week's time. Mame: I'd be real interested to see your Aurora indica grow. I was very tempted to order those as well as Papaya, both look like heavy weight knockouts. Are you going to start a grow journal?
  20. jrp677

    First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack

    Cloning technique? Build a clone machine like I have in my pics. It's cheap and easy to build and from what I hear they have almost 100% success rate. I have had 6 cuttings in mine for the last week and have roots forming on 1 cutting so far. Its kind of like the famous infomercial, "JUST...