powdery mildew is systemic so the only way to truly get rid of it is to use a systemic fungicide. Eagle 20 is a systemic fungicide that will get rid of your PM but don't use it in flower only use it in veg.
I ended up getting a Can 150 for my smell problems < it was the biggest filter I could find, it is taller then me with a fan on it. But yeah that post was more for unoho69 because he was asking what he could do about AC smell, I knew you have been growing long enough to have fixed that issue if...
I have a friend who opens up his AC and sticks an Ona Gel jar in a void in his AC with holes he drilled in the lid. It works great but I think it only lasts a month or so.
I think I figured out the problem. I think I have aphids. I took a look at my leaves with a 30x microscope and saw what I think is aphids crawling all over them. I think the reason my leaves are curling and my pistols are going black is because they are sucking all the juices out of the new...
Hey Smoking Loon I think I figured out the problem. I think we have Aphids. I looked at my leaves under a 30x microscope and I saw what I think is aphids crawling all over them. My friend who also has the same problem also has the same bugs crawling on his leaves. I think the reason you and I...
Captain Jacks Deadbug brew will get rid of Gnats, Spider mites, Thrips, Caterpillars and numerous other pests and it's organic. Stuff works wonders with one spray you can get rid of them all.
I think it is something bacterial/fungal in my soil because I am not using nutes, just whats in the soil and I have been using this soil recipe for years and never had problems and it is not all my plants.
Yeah I have been using it for 4-5 years now with zero problems. When I was growing in my attic I had my entire floor lined with it and 2x4's nailed on the edges and when I went on vacation I would leave my plants in a few inches of standing water and could stay on vacation for a week and not...
Hey raider the best thing I have found for floors to keep them from getting wet or moisture underneath is pond liner. It is more expensive then plastic sheet but it is super durable and made to hold water. When I was growing in my attic I use to use plastic but I would get little holes from...
Best thing I have found for bugs is Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew. I have gotten rid of Spider Mites, Thrips, Fungus Gnats and best of all its organic and doesn't leave a smell/flavor like neem does.
Watch using that stuff I made some brownies with about 10 g of dry ice hash and they were death brownies. I usually use 2-3 tsp of hash for a batch but made the mistake of using 2-3 tbs instead and me and 3 friends had 1 brownie each and we got so high we ended up getting sick to our stomachs...
Here is a link to Smoking Loon's thread we seem to think we have the same problem so maybe checking out his thread will give you guys some more insight.
Again please help I have dealt with a ton of issues in my...
They are 65-75 degrees< night-day and my humidity is usually below 60 unless I just watered. The highest my room temp has got since this started is 77 degrees < I live in a cold state.
Well if we have the same problem then I dont think this is correct because my temps and humidity are actually pretty low and I have tons of airflow. Temp is between 65-75 < night-day humidity only gets into the 70's when I water otherwise it stays below 60%. Also it is not happening to all my or...
Do u think the tea is causing the nutes to break down quicker and possibly causing all these problems? because it really is the only thing we are doing different as far as food goes and like I said we have used this recipe for years with zero issues. I am more worried it is a disease of some...
His Soil is Happy Frog, I have some of this going on too and my mix is 1 bag ff ocean forest,1 bag ff light warrior and 1 bag ff planting mix plus a half bag of organimax compost, 10 gal perlite and 1 cup fruit and flower. I have used this recipe for years for my starter mix and never had a...
Could we see some more pics maybe something in flower. I think me and a friend have the same problem and I need to figure out what it is because I am stumped. I have a thread with some pics up asking for help maybe if one of us figures it out we could let the other know...
So I am having a hard time figuring out what this problem is my friend has a grow and this started happening to his plants and we can't figure out what it is. If someone could help us out it would be greatly appreciated. Here are some pics.
We checked the ph and it was between 6-7, its not...