If he knows that you love him and he does that it sounds like he is using his hold over you to get a twisted sense of pleasure from his power over you...
I thought that they were the strains you grew... my bad... Glad to hear from an Aussie that it's so good... Our taste buds work differently than the rest of the world
The carpet throughout the house was to begin with about 10 different colours in an alternating line pattern... even if you happen to get a little stain unless you're looking hard for it you can't see it... it's a blessing for having pets...
I've never seen violent homosexuals assaulting officers of the law to get equal rights for marriage... I'm not saying it has never happened... but I've never heard of it...
Tran man, when you get back up in here... where can I find secret garden seeds..? I've found secret valley seeds but not secret garden... I'm at a loss...
I am thankful that it was semi solid and not liquidy like my vomit... He hadn't eaten it long ago... it wasn't very warm...
by the smell the animal he ate was dead for a while before he got to it... probably a large rat or small rabbit...
The semi domesticated cat that I house and feed somedays just threw up somethings intestines and bits of fur right next to me at the computer... The smell is intense...