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  1. Superman44108

    Are my babies ready?

    like jyermum said, use a magnifying glass or jewelers loupe too look at the trichomes and when you see amber, cut em and hang em. good luck bro. hope all turns out well.
  2. Superman44108

    Has anyone grown Kaya Gold outdoors.

    if your worried about flyovers then plant a guerrilla garden. randomly plant your sprouts in the woods off your property. or you can just grow inside.
  3. Superman44108

    Quick Question

    only vegan animal shit bro. the extra protein in the meat wont do well for your plants
  4. Superman44108

    Afghan Kush Clone

    very impressive bro. looks amazing. great buds
  5. Superman44108

    Thanks To All

    damn bro now thats a good looking plant
  6. Superman44108

    My 2011 grow.

    very nice grow brother. would love to have something this size
  7. Superman44108

    Low Tec Water Harvester

    word. very nice
  8. Superman44108

    Suggestions Got A Storm Tomorrow.

    i usually let nature run its course and 9 times out of 10 it works out well. with them being that size you may want to put them where they wont get all of the rainfall but still want to get some. wind will help make the stems stronger too but too much will just make them flimsy. good luck bro...
  9. Superman44108

    How much sunlight do yours get?

    during the summer they get between 8 and 11 hrs of direct sunlight. daytime hours average about 16 per day but 4-6 hours they get shaded
  10. Superman44108

    Im Completely New At This

    very nice. i also grow organic and i like to make "organic tea" basically you put animal shit in a sock (or if its alot, a pillowcase) and soak it in water to draw out the nutrients and water with that but you still dont want to make it too strong or you risk burning/killing the plants.
  11. Superman44108

    Can I turn my 11 Day old seedling into 12/12 outside? (pics)

    its way late in the year to have out door seedlings. if you want a decent yield, you should keep them inside in a grow room where you can control the temp, light, nutes, water, etc. im from the south and i usually harvested my outdoor crops around this time. im not tryin to bash you tho bro. if...
  12. Superman44108

    First grow. Curious if they're doing good.

    not necessarily. could be a different strain, stronger genetics, sativa vs. indica, or maybe its just the amount of light/air/nutes they're getting. sexing is easy tho. males have balls and females have hairs.
  13. Superman44108

    need to know how im doing

    move the light away from it some. plants will ALWAYS grow towards the light source. dont move it to the other side of the room but back it up a couple feet. the light will be more evenly distributed and the plant wont burn. by having the light right next to the plant you risk creating hot spots...
  14. Superman44108

    advice and help please!!

    from looking at the pics i would recommend flushing it with pure water for a few days then use an organic fert. i always grow organic. the bud tastes great and the high is outstanding. you can use almost any kind of animal byproduct (aka: shit) but dont put a dog turd in your soil. make organic...
  15. Superman44108

    opinions on using mothers vs cloning clones

    i would recommend using a mother plant until one of her clones is clearly stronger than the others at which point you can start taking clones from that one. and start your 3rd gen. the basic point of having a strong mother plant is all about genetics. the mother plant should be the strongest of...
  16. Superman44108

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    iv only had this problem once. and that was the only time i sprouted my babies inside. i usually sprout them outside that way they get plenty of real natural sunlight plus wind to strengthen the stems. now i just use clones off of my mother plant. up to 8th gen now.
  17. Superman44108

    home bwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got some seeds nigga. bout to start em germin and...

    home bwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got some seeds nigga. bout to start em germin and hopefully they dont sprout til after i get done movin lol
  18. Superman44108

    Pick some strains

    if i were you i wouldnt have such a wide variety of strains because each and every strain has to be grown in a different way. not necessarily completely different but you cant grow a sativa the same way you would grow an indica. yes they both need air, water, nutrients, and a growing medium but...
  19. Superman44108

    fluorescent lights or led?

    HPS lights are more expensive too. you wont necessarily get a higher yield just because your using hps lights. you have to have the proper reflective hood, as with any lights, and have to watch more closely about how far away from your canopy it is so hot spots are not created. also, since the...
  20. Superman44108

    Easily accesible fertilizer??

    you can use it all the way thru til about a week before you harvest at which point you'll want to use pure water to flush your plants. and stop watering 2 to 3 days before you harvest. it will help with drying. you can switch to a bloom booster fert during flowering but is not completely...