I use a 600W light. This is a Cool Tube:
I then use a fan similar to this one:
I'm using a grow tent so I have the fan placed outside of the tent and it...
Air and liquid cooled are two very different things. Air cooled, an extraction fan is used to draw hot air away from the bulb. Water cooled, is just that. Water is circulated around the bulb to remove heat. You need a large reservoir for the water as well as a chiller to cool the water. This is...
Anybody tried Bushmaster? I decided to give it a try and it worked as advertised. Vertical growth stopped and pistils shot up after feeding for the first of three days. My ladies bushed out and I now have a fairly easy to manage canopy.
Five AK ladies, 3 weeks flowering under a 600W HPS...
Sorry, apparently I was in too much of a hurry to get outside for a session. :oops: I'm back and baked.
This is the right one:
https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/62900-4-day-bud-dryer-40-a.html Puff on. :leaf:
I think you could get away with your proposed setup but I'd be careful if your building owner has access to everyone's usage. Maybe you could say you use the fuck out of a George Foreman grill. Those things are 1500 watts. Apartment growing is rather risky in my opinion. I'm legal in Cali and I...
I've been puffing since the 80's and last I year bought and started using a grinder for the first time. It was a cheap acrylic that eventually became a bitch to clean so I recently got a larger space case knock-off on ebay for $15. I'm probably a grinder for life now.
Lexapro is an antidepressant. You could get it from your primary doctor, but why would you want to if you're trying to stay away from psych meds? I certainly don't blame you for wanting to steer clear after being medicated so much as a child.