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    FOX News mocks the Canadian Military + Marijuana

    Anyone have anything to say about this? Has anyone noticed that Doug Benson from Super High Me was apart of this? If you don't know who Doug Benson is, he is a well known cannabis comedian and made a movied called Super High Me where he got high for 30 days straight. I'm very upset that a...
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    first timer....(w/pics)

    the plants look great vjohn. theyre getting enough light that they need and thus theyre low and you might have a dominant indica strain that doesnt get very tall (compared to a sativa) nonetheless, its better than a stretched plant looking for more light. keep it up.
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    Trimming fan leaves during flowering??

    +rep for attempting to end the on-going threads about this and maintaining a positive attitude.
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    Details of triming. How often and how ?

    ohh, ive never heard of those medicated pads so i never caught onto the joke. sorry for the buzz kill, no offence taken. :joint: enjoy fellas
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    Details of triming. How often and how ?

    whats wrong with the word "tucking"? (To gather up and fold, thrust, or turn in so as to secure or confine) try using it. what about my avatar? its a strain from Wild Rose Seed Co. you can find it on the Vancouver seed bank website. Its a skunk indica cross. i would assume that...
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    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    get a power bar and get some bulb adaptors from home depot/lowes/walmart. make a row of three 42w cfls and tie it near the top of ur case. your waste space by putting it in the middle. cover up ur container, u wont get root bound anytime soon. root bound will show when your roots raise above the...
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    chek out my gr0w setup(2 1/2 week old plants

    bro no offense but i would clean the area up as much as possible. you dont wanna be dealin with bugs and that sorta stuff... trust me, better safe than sorry when ur like halfway through the grow and bugs are hiding and eating away ur leaves etc etc...
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    Details of triming. How often and how ?

    dont trim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! youre taking away plant food AND you may be eligible to win a hermie from all that stress. i suggest bending or tucking away the leaves if theyre covering buds.
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    2 week old plants leaves look dry

    interesting, ive noticed the same with mine. and i also have a fan right beside the plants. im on day 6 since it sprouted and mine look like your 2 week old babies. what strain are you growing?
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    Me and my brother and friend jsut ate a hole weed cake and smoked a 20 sack!

    why are you bumping this? this is a grow forum not an attention whore forum.
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    poll when do you have your lights on

    mine are on at night to maximize stealth. when im not home during the day, everything looks how it should look.
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    Could an 84 year old man who has never used pot, use it to help and try to cure his p

    i dont know anything about this but for the very least, i suggest small dosage for starters and make sure you somehow filter the smoke so its smooth and not harmful to the lungs. in my opinion, he should at least try a small dose just because everyone needs to experience a high in their lifetime.
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    check out my cfl grow cabnet

    i suggest more lights. the least u should do is replace those 23w bulbs with 42w cfls for $10-12/each because your stems look very stringy. your buds will be fluffy if u dont take action soon
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    Asshole Strain anyone?

    I just bought some Asshole seeds (Wild Rose) the other day and was wondering if anyone on here has tried or grown this strain? I did a search on "asshole" but nothing that i needed came up lol. All i could find on google is: This poorly marketing named plant is actually an excellent...
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    Asshole Strain - Wild Rose + picture

    I received my seeds in a glass container labelled Asshole - Wild Rose Seed Co. For the moment im not concerned where it came from lol unless nothing germinates. dannyking, what was the bud/smoke like? i hope we're talking about the same thing. i hate the name of the strain because it confuses...
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    Ontario Seed Bank Review

    I was there yesterday and he is generous with the seeds indeed. I bought 10 seeds but got 14. He doesn't have a website because "you never know who's looking"
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    Buzz Grower or Ontario Seed Bank

    I just went to Ontario Seed Bank yesterday afternoon. Great guy, claims to have been there for 10 years. You don't need anything to buy seeds here because seeds are legal. Theyre only illegal the moment they sprout. Ontario Seed Bank is by Lakeshore and Brownsline. Its found along Lakeshore...
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    Asshole Strain - Wild Rose + picture

    Has anyone smoked/grown Asshole from Wild Rose? I just bought 15 seeds to try it out since my provider said it would be featured in the next issue of High Times Mag. The only information I could Google out of this Asshole strain is the following: "10th generation Indica. The name is...