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  1. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    Unfortunatly I am still vegging these ones out. It wil be 2 weeks then flower. 2 months total veg from seed. Cant wait to see that though, hope it happens to mine. Do you have any pics of your outdoor one that you could post here.. Also, what do you think the least amount of hours I could...
  2. edux10

    DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99

    REZ dawg is actually going to be releasing Cindy 99 seeds here pretty soon. Last I heard he actually lost the seed crop and had to start over. They should have dropped by now but because of that problem expect at least 3 more months. His stuff looks good. He is also releasing the Apollo 11...
  3. edux10

    Any strains grow by themselves in the US?

    ^^^Exactly, and a lot of soilders from the war would bring back weed cuz american wasn't growing pot yet. Those bads of weed were not sensi so there were many many seeds. Those seeds found their way into the soil and grew the pot we smoke today. Yes, there has been a lot of hybrids made out of...
  4. edux10

    Every name for weed

  5. edux10

    how often do i add nutrients to my soil?

    I water my plants about every other day when they are in a one gallon pot (think the size of a big milk jug) I just mix up some nutes in a 5 gallon water jug then feed it to them every other day. They use it really fast in my room. It might differ for you. You have to look at your soil and see...
  6. edux10

    Which Politician Truly have the Fiscal Policy that will fundamentally meet the needs

    well looks like a tie. Should i research that?
  7. edux10

    Every name for weed

    After the first and second page these names got soo off the wall. I have never had anyone pack some sweet winn dixie with me before. Its usually just dank nugs.
  8. edux10

    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    you smoked on any of them danky nodules yet cheetah? Looking good. Ill fly over there and smoke some with ya. puff puff flap flap flap puff puff puff puff puff puff crash. doh!
  9. edux10

    Al B. FAQt

    I know Im not Al but if you cut the top off of that then all those little side nodes will pop out and make new 'tops' that is how you see those big ol bushes with mad spears exploding out. You could do it one time then let it grow and then do it again and again. That is more of an outdoor thing...
  10. edux10

    LA Confidential Mother Plant Journal... Indica - from LA Affie and Afghani

    what exactly is the LA Confidential. I am under the inpression it is a rip off of the elite kushes around LA in seed form. Am I right?
  11. edux10

    Is smoking a ciggarette during the sesh disrespectful?

    yea you are a real dirtbag
  12. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    Giod to hear. Thanks you for the help! It sucks because like I said I lost a crop do to this MG deff thing. I thought it was all burned yellow from the light and just tossed them all after starting to wilt. They were much worse than this though. You live you learn..
  13. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    yerah I had yellow leafs before. It was my fault though when I was a noob (guess i still am:eyesmoke:) So after it 'grows out past that' it will be fine like it never happened. I can see it may have slowed down their growing a tad for a second. All look back on track except the tallest one...
  14. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    overall the yellow is really diminishing. It looks like in a week or so I will be able to take al the yellow leafs off and it will have a new outer green 'shell' or leafs. I don't want to take them off now as they are the biggest fan leafs closest to the light. Yellow leafs still...
  15. edux10 Guy

    yeah, there are like 4 or em now. They have a new one. I guess it is supposed to be rap or something. The one where they are serving drinks at the backyard partay
  16. edux10

    Lets end this already!!!!

    I didn't read anyone elese reply but, the growing scene is pretty competitive so why are you going to buy something that is going to take years to make up for the loss in yeild. If you don't have the power to grow it is probably best left to someone that does. This tech needs some work. I...
  17. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    what are your results with cloning mane? I am looking to betta my setup. Humidity is 90% temp is up to 80. I have 1 2ft single t5 over it. I keep some standing water in the clone tray. What can I do to better the enviroment?
  18. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    Yeah, I use Olivias Clone Gel. I really like it, i havnt really been getting the success rates that I have been wanting though. about 50 percent. Its my fault tho Lets see, other than that the room is running well. Lights now off from 11 to 5 (might change to 12 to 6) ac runs from 5 to 930...
  19. edux10

    I Envy you all!!!

    you suck!!!!!!!!!11
  20. edux10

    New bubbler

    yeah finding good glass is hard. I know a lot of the shops in my town have a shit load of glass but not worth the price. I don't need any of the dyacrilic or whatever cheap 2 color pirpes they have made in thiland. I want a nice glass on glass peace that will be kept clean. I either want it...