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  1. herbose

    advice please on my plants

    The bedroom lighting will screw them up, guaranteed. You need to build a box with lighting control.
  2. herbose

    a strange question

    No damage, you can keep the lower parts producing for a long time.
  3. herbose

    shipping medical mj

    Looks interesting, they seem to have the legal issues covered. They only ship within Canada so there's no DEA or Customs involved. I wonder why no one has tried this in Ca?
  4. herbose

    Yellowing clones. Problem solved?

    Clones live on nutrients stored in the leaves when they are developing roots. If the mother had deficiences the clones will too and the leaves will yellow faster.
  5. herbose

    Isit ok to turn the lights on during dark cycle?

    No! Get a green light if you want to see your plants during dark.
  6. herbose

    Clone Feeding question?

    I don't think clones can even absorb nutes until they have roots. They use stored energy to grow roots. I don't know anyone who uses nutes on clones. I've cloned flowering plants without nutes, same results as from vegetative clones.
  7. herbose

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    Could work, depending on where you live. Closer to the equator the better. That won't work here in NorCal. Plant will revert when the days get longer.
  8. herbose

    DIY: Power supply / computer fan hack

    Just cut the connector off, strip the wires, and try every combination. Something will work.
  9. herbose

    Blotches and drooping, 1st timer, please help?

    Yeah, they look a little small. Here's mine at 4 weeks from germ. Check here for the nute problem: That crystal stuff could be some infestation.
  10. herbose

    DIY: Power supply / computer fan hack

    I agree, that's what I use, anything from 6-12 volts will work. The six volt will run slower but still very adequate.
  11. herbose

    is this normal

    Not normal....plants should not stop growing for a week. You have some nutrient issues, check here to figure out what:
  12. herbose


    Male and ready to pop, some pollen is probably already out.
  13. herbose

    Is this plant ready for chop? +reps

    Agreed, you have at least a week to go, two would be better. Patience will pay off.
  14. herbose

    cloudy hydro solution

    Are your roots brown? How often do you change your water?
  15. herbose

    Anyone know what this is?

    Here's that thread:
  16. herbose

    Dam white bugs are back again. +rep for help

    I don't know your setup but I've solved all my pest problems with pyrethrum foggers. Works if you're in an enclosed area. Some are cheap (pictured is $7 from GREEN EARTH on Divisadero in SF, others are up to $30 at other. stores), others not. Work good. Two applications 1 week apart.
  17. herbose

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Two cowboys sitting in a bar talking about sex. One says "The RODEO POSITION is definitely my favorite." Other cowboy says "What the hell is the RODEO POSITION?" First cowboy says "Well...what you do is get the woman on all fours, mount her from behind, and as soon as you stick it in you reach...
  18. herbose

    new years resolutions?

    Only one New Years resolution this year.........."FUCK NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS".
  19. herbose

    Cannabis Beer

    Boulderhead, here's an interesting thread: I haven't digested the info yet but I think we may both be right about heating. With enough time and proper curing the thca will turn into thc (couple months is my guess). With...
  20. herbose

    Cannabis Beer

    Interesting, the beer story was the exact opposite of what I've been reading.:wall: I'll look for more info but in the mean time I recently make alcohol tincture using about a pound of very good trim (unheated) and all I managed to do was ruin 2 gallons of vodka, turned it into the most vile...