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  1. herbose

    Boy or Girl?

    I don't understand that, could you explain?
  2. herbose

    Boy or Girl?

    I guess I'm the only one who sees the tiny balls on stalks, I'll bet money it's a male. Sorry.
  3. herbose

    rep for advice

    Ditto, I stopped worrying about it when it happens.
  4. herbose

    Pot size - Bigger Isn't Always Better.

    Air pruned roots shouldn't effect the rest of the roots. I'm using 3 gal Smart Pots. They're made of cloth and the roots poke through and die. Plants are going gangbusters.
  5. herbose

    Turbogarden (Ebb & Flow) vs. Econojet(not 2x2) vs. Waterfarm

    I went simple, 2'x4' tray, 8-3 gal Smart Pots (or Bags?), soil, 600w hps, GH nutes. No more pumps and tubes for me.
  6. herbose

    Nutes help for a newbie please?

    GH 3 part works good for me, soil or hydro. Under $100 for three gallons,
  7. herbose

    Just a random question about lighting

    Yep, no comparison.
  8. herbose

    Turbogarden (Ebb & Flow) vs. Econojet(not 2x2) vs. Waterfarm

    I had the Waterfarm 8 Pack for 2 years. Perpetual maintanance. Main problem was cleaning out the air tubes when they got clogged with calcium (even with RO water). Very difficult to get inside to clean when the plants got big. You need to have enough room to walk all around it for maintanance...
  9. herbose

    Hey all, so here it goes, need some basic advice

    Fire should not be a problem unless you do something dumb like putting a 1000w HID on a $3 extension cord. Electrical issues? You mean like power outages? Nothing you can do about that except get a generator. I can't help you with where to get equipment in Europe. I'm sure Google can. Good luck.
  10. herbose

    Newbie needs help with weed grow

    Yep, read the entire FAQ, you'll learn a lot.
  11. herbose

    Cannabis Beer

    Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have to heat the weed to turn the thca into thc before you add it to the beer? I'll look it up.
  12. herbose

    Hey all, so here it goes, need some basic advice

    The main problem with growing in the room you live in is controlling the light periods. I assume you'll have lights on in daytime,off at night. What happens if you get up to take a leak and have to turn the lights on? You can screw your plants up doing that. Better make a cabinet.
  13. herbose

    Cali medical question

    No, you're only allowed to have the legal limit in your county. I'm in a 30 plant, 3lb county. There are a couple of them.
  14. herbose

    Newbie Transplant Questions. +rep for help

    Perfect, but try to disturb the root ball as little as possible or you will break the microscopic hairs that do all the work and it will take a couple of weeks to get back up to speed.
  15. herbose

    Bad Christmas Eve, Disappointing Christmas morning..

    WOW! "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Weed", and all you got out of it was a damn good story. You'll laugh about it someday if you aren't already. Sorry about you junkie friend but BEWARE, nothing good will ever come from having junkies around. Things start to disappear (like your spoon)...
  16. herbose

    Tiny & fast white bugs, +rep for help in identifying

    Check here if you haven't already, the pest section is 1/2 way down:
  17. herbose

    brown spots hheellpp!!!!

    Right, pictures would help. You might find your problem here:
  18. herbose


    I think someone mentioned this video aways back in the thread:
  19. herbose

    Hermie or Too Earlie

    Second, but I would wait a little longer to be certain.
  20. herbose

    LOOKING WEBBED! whats this mean?

    Listen to me closely sir.......what you have there is a mutant that tried to destroy mankind 60 years ago!........for God's sake man....kill that plant......before it destroys you.....before it destroys ALL of''s.....KILLER WEED! Just kidding...looks perfectly normal to...