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  1. ambedexteras

    Pistils turning Black/purple super early. is this an issue? Pics!!

    hey guys. my ladies just starting to flower outdoors and a couple of them have some weird discoloring going on. now i know generally purple in cannabis is good. but this is like black and purple and earlier than plants would usualyl start to change the color. so im hoping someone can help...
  2. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    ya me either. guess ill be starting a thread in the MJ plant problems to see if someone can identify
  3. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    im not sure man. i buy about an oz of meds a month. and occasionaly i found a seed not mad seeds so no hermie but 1 seed i would put it aside. but i do not smoke rags. i smoke the best i can find. so their bag seeds but from very nice bags lol with that said. u think its good or bad? lol
  4. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    thats fucked up. but ya i concur. guess u dont have to pay ur rent this month lol
  5. ambedexteras

    Think Different AutoFem 400W MH/HPS - Hydroponic Indoor Grow

    thx brotha. ill be checking yours out intermittently. gonna be a nice harvest.
  6. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    gonna have to get an arsenal of scissors like that for myself here shortly lol
  7. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    hey guys. flower time finally. got some of my tops turning purple/ blackish. im under the impression this can be good or bad for the plant. can someone tell me if this is good or bad. 3rd pic is no purple. just a pic of one of my ladies tops :)
  8. ambedexteras

    The Weed Nerd~

    foothills looks like u dont need no new tricks. beautiful plant lol and ya the drying/curing i had to learn elsewheree haha. damn old guys will get high off the fucking water leaves. so my oldman always cured like crap. no bag appeal. but were working on it lol
  9. ambedexteras

    The Weed Nerd~

    haha good shit tags and sick garden. but ya my old man introduced me to the garden as well. now my garden kicks his ass lol
  10. ambedexteras

    The Main-Lining Thread

    lol tussel. i couldnt agree more. but since ive already ventured into indoor growing./cloning/lsting for the first time all this yr. i may be all first tried out for the season. lol maybe next grow.
  11. ambedexteras

    Yay, first grow!

    green u talking bout my GSC>? lol there just lil stupid ass weeds that grow out of my soil cuz my soil is the fcuking bomb jiggy. i yank em like bi-daily. they grow in almost all my pots pretty regularly. i yank em and leave em in the dirt so my plant can eat em. alpha plant lol
  12. ambedexteras

    one of my babies. whats up RIU?

    i got a jack herra going sir. one of my favorite out of my ladies. your baby is a lil small for this late in the season my friend. where abouts u from . northeast? northwest? looks like its about a month old.
  13. ambedexteras

    The Main-Lining Thread

    nice job mohican. man i wanna try mainlining but i feel like ill brake a couple plants in the process lol
  14. ambedexteras

    new to cloning

    hey buddy. ive been growing from seed for 4 yrs and had my first successful clone about 3 weeks ago. i would use a new razor blade for a cleanliness and a nice sharp cut. are you familiar with topping the plant? if so its kinda like an extreme version of that. you wanna go to one of the side...
  15. ambedexteras

    Northern Lights x Big bud Autoflower Grow!

    ya mine are doing really good. hoping to see flowering @ bud sites soon. i think mine are hitting week 4 this week. yours looks good tho. i wonder if there gonna look super similar @ harvest time.
  16. ambedexteras

    Think Different AutoFem 400W MH/HPS - Hydroponic Indoor Grow

    man these autos are monsterous. i got 4 NLXBB autos going on day 25 and def not 2.5 feet lol. maybe 1 ft good job man. i wish i could scrog mine like you did but not all my plants in the tent are autos right meow.
  17. ambedexteras

    Is this a hermie?

    sorry buddy. late stage hermie sucks. but u said u have 2 plants total and there both hermied? bad hit. at least nothing else can go wrong. Grow em out and make hash or take a day to remove all the seeds and smoke it anyway lol
  18. ambedexteras

    what are you running now ?

    hey guys. couple shots of the NL X BB autos in the 5 gals. shots of my GSC looking awesome. and the hollywood kush again growing like crazy. my first successful clone doing big thangs in the back lol enjoy peepz. keep it green Gud. u a gangsta, Action bronson is my ninja.
  19. ambedexteras

    Ambes first indoor grow Girlscout cookie & 6 tester Auto hybrids NLxBB in a 5x5x84

    Some pics. a group shot. getting like a jungle in there lol. a shot of the biggest hollywood kush. a shot of 2 of the 5 gscs. and 2 of the autos in the 5 gals. also the clone getting big. thinking about letting it flower outdoors since its growing so fast id have to flip to 12/12 soon if i keep...
  20. ambedexteras

    2013 Indoor grow and show. show your sick indoor grow from this yr

    Pics of a couple of the autos and a close up of the clone. The clones doing awesome I wish I could let it flower outside but it wouldn't finish in time b4 it got too cold. Its gonna b so tall its gonna force me to flip to 12/12 earlier lol