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  1. nanookofeclectic

    Trim tips?

    That's rather clever. Kudos. :)
  2. nanookofeclectic

    Trim tips?

    Just to clarify things, Alabama is a fake location. I don't put any real information about myslef on here, just to make sure nobody trolling gets anything good. ;)
  3. nanookofeclectic

    Trim tips?

    You are very welcome brother. And that makes since. LOL. A pun?
  4. nanookofeclectic

    Trim tips?

    That, my friend, is the first constructive thing I've seen out of you. I appreciate your advice, but I suggest you take some of mine. The cannabis culture as a whole is based around a plant that brings happiness, not negativity. I can gaurantee you I'm not the only one thinking this. People like...
  5. nanookofeclectic

    Welcome New Members!

    It can if it flooded the soil. To much water limits oxygen that the roots, or in your case, taproot, can get.
  6. nanookofeclectic

    Trim tips?

    Whats wrong? You can't banter with someone intelligent? Did I confuse you with my words?
  7. nanookofeclectic

    Welcome New Members!

    Since you dug them up, how do they look? Did they look like they were still alive? There is a really good thread on here about using MG somewhere. I'd run it through the search bar and see what you come up with. I've heard a lot of people say that it had gnats in it though so just make sure...
  8. nanookofeclectic

    Trim tips?

    I was reading this thread to try to learn about topping my plants and possibly getting better yields, but your immaturity got in the way of that. I can already tell that you are one of those people with a tiny dick and a huge ego who feels it necessary to pick a fight with everyone he comes...
  9. nanookofeclectic

    Trim tips?

    Gad damn guys. Give it a fucking rest! I'm not taking sides, but please, to both of you, just end it? If nothing else, this sensless arguing is diluting the pertinant information of the thread. Not to mention its AGGREVATING AS HELL! Act like grown men and go your seperate ways. Jesus Christ...
  10. nanookofeclectic

    Welcome New Members!

    Whatever you do DO NOT dig them up. If they are healthy, and just a little slow to sprout, you will ruin them. Just wait it out and see what happens. I don't know about this for sure, but the fact that you're using used soil may be contributing to the slow sprout. Are they indoor or outdoor? Do...
  11. nanookofeclectic

    looking for a strain that that produces rock hard dense buds

    If you can find Medijuana from anywhere other than AMS, get those. A close friend of mine ordered his from AMS, but I've dealt with them twice now and only got my first order. The buds were golfball sized and fealt almost as dense. lol.
  12. nanookofeclectic

    Welcome New Members!

    It took about 4 days for my first plant to sprout, and the last followed up about 3 days after that. Hope that helps some man. How long have yours been in dirt? Ive heard of it taking up to 2 weeks for them to poke through though, so don't get discouraged. Patience will pay off.
  13. nanookofeclectic

    Welcome New Members!

    Gonna need some more details, man. What specifically are you asking? Are you talking about germination to sprout time?
  14. nanookofeclectic

    Im so totally confused

    What Kelvin rating are those? I'm not familiar with those bulbs. How many are you going to use?
  15. nanookofeclectic

    Im so totally confused

    It really doesn't matter where you snip it from. Just pick one that you like, thank the plant for what she's done, and snip her off. As far as the actual quick-drying method, I use my oven set at 125F. Just check it VERY frequently and turn her over a few times. Microwave ovens work to. Use the...
  16. nanookofeclectic

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    I'm curious as to why someone with such a narrow mind and anti-drug attitude joined a forum that based around the cultivation of cannabis? If you don't agree with our lifestyles or usage habits, butt the hell out. That's just my 2 cents worth.
  17. nanookofeclectic

    Im so totally confused

    I forgot to add that part. It'll taste like wet grass. LOL. A bit harsh to.
  18. nanookofeclectic

    My first grow need expert advice

    What, specifically sucks about MG? I know it's not the best out there, but it does work. Or atleast it has for me. I'm just asking becaus eI'm relatively new at this.
  19. nanookofeclectic

    Im so totally confused

    Don't bum yourself out chic. :) You'll still get some tasty buds off her. The herb gives happiness, both in growing and smoking. Just because it's not perfect doesn't mean it wasn't worth while. If nothing else, chock it up to a learning experience. I bet you'll feel a lot better when you smoke...
  20. nanookofeclectic

    Im so totally confused

    Damn! Is it just me or is that a long ass time to flower? Is that a full sativa or somethin? And don't lose hope yet. Growing herb is supposed to be an enjoyable experience. Playin with my plants is my happy place. If you stress it ruins the zen.