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  1. nanookofeclectic

    My First Grow

    Mine cost $40. LOL.
  2. nanookofeclectic

    Best germination method?

    The last batch of seeds I tried to germ came out good. It was about 20 out of 25 seeds. Just bag seed also. It just seems to take so damn long. LOL. This time I'm trying to germ only one seed for a competition and I can't have it taking a week to germ. I was really wondering what the fastest way is.
  3. nanookofeclectic

    Best germination method?

    I've been using the wet paper towel and plastic baggy method. I know there are a few other ways to do it out there, but which one seems to work the best?
  4. nanookofeclectic

    Party Cup Competition! Prize For Winner!

    I'm hoping it'll crack by then. LOL.
  5. nanookofeclectic

    Party Cup Competition! Prize For Winner!

    I'm tryin man! LOL. It's kinda hard to be patient when a competition is riding on it. HAHA!
  6. nanookofeclectic

    Party Cup Competition! Prize For Winner!

    You missed me dude. You suck at aiming. :P
  7. nanookofeclectic

    Party Cup Competition! Prize For Winner!

    61°13′05″n 149°53′33″ w. Fire away!!
  8. nanookofeclectic

    My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing

    LOL. I have to post them, save them, then delete them as fast as I can. :D
  9. nanookofeclectic

    Party Cup Competition! Prize For Winner!

    My fucking seed won't crack!!!! Aaaarg!!!!!
  10. nanookofeclectic

    My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing

    I have some pics on my phoen, but I have to wait until like 3am to post them because I have to send them to facebook to save them on my computer. LOL. Gotta wait till everybody in facebook land is asleep. Hopefully I'll be getting a camera this weekend though.
  11. nanookofeclectic

    Party Cup Competition! Prize For Winner!

    Ditto. No clones here either. I have some bagseed babies going right now. They're still in cups and a couple are looking good. I'm wondering if I should just pick one of those or keep going with the auto idea.
  12. nanookofeclectic

    arguments for marijuana help needed quick! urgent! please reply before day is over!

    That's why I said correct me if I'm wrong. LOL. All I know is it works for me.
  13. nanookofeclectic

    My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing

    Haha! The light it wider than my closet is so I just have it leaned over them. Seems to be working though. They aren't stretching bad either.
  14. nanookofeclectic

    My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing

    Yup. I'm growing in a closet with brown walls and brown carpet. 6 plants in 16oz cups with a 4ft, 2 buld floro fixture 6500k and a 2ft, 2 bulb floro with daylights. The first sprouted on 10-23 and are about 8 inches tall and not lookin to bad at all.
  15. nanookofeclectic

    My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing

    How big are those budz? About 5 inches or so?
  16. nanookofeclectic

    1st time DXM tripp Adult Tussin

    I can deffinately say it's an acquired taste. Not for everyone.
  17. nanookofeclectic

    My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing

    I'm growing under a stoneage setup. Literally. Bare bones. I've always wondered how much of a difference it would make if I upgraded to something fancy. My whole setup cost around $40.
  18. nanookofeclectic

    Party Cup Competition! Prize For Winner!

    Autos are fair game. I'm growin one.
  19. nanookofeclectic

    arguments for marijuana help needed quick! urgent! please reply before day is over!

    Those white hairs are probably pistils. That means she's a girl. Congrats! Just to make sure though, where on the plant are they popping up?