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  1. K062706

    am i light weight or is it just placebo

    My friend's boyfriend aswell gets high within a couple of hits. a few months ago, she and him came over with some ok buds... I couldn't tell too much what type of strain they had but from the high it kinda felt like indica. So anyway, I asked my friends bf where he got this... he said from a...
  2. K062706

    How do you thinkt he world will end?

    lol Zoey from Left4Dead game
  3. K062706

    How do you thinkt he world will end?

    That would be f'kin awesome... I'll be Zoey.
  4. K062706

    How do you thinkt he world will end?

    The world will end... When I say it ends ;)
  5. K062706

    Spider mites be gone!

    lol thank you
  6. K062706

    Spider mites be gone! There we go.... this was actually my second post in RIU forums.. didn't get much help in my thread.. but I join looking for help, and found awesome information through out the entire website. So this is how I came about...
  7. K062706

    Spider mites be gone!

    This would also be ideal for people to buy it to prevent pest! so if you don;t have spider mites or any other pest, I suggest you buy this anyway... Keep the lil f'kers away!.
  8. K062706

    Spider mites be gone!

    Thought I share this with you all.. A month ago I discovered my babies were infested with spider mites.. I've been doing everything I could to get rid of them, I bought Neem Oil, try'd different recipe treatments that I came across in RIU and some wroked more then others but still kept seeing...
  9. K062706

    dealers, how do they make money

    All of you would make more money selling meth these days... Marijuana has become overated... I mean - For God Sakes... ya'll are registered in a marijuana community forum teaching nubs how to grow there own haha, So it's hard to belive any of you would be pushing serious weight or making bank...
  10. K062706

    Is this a bad thing or normal? this is making me very nervous!!!

    There sleeping, don't disturb them :)
  11. K062706

    So am going in for brain surgery

    Your absolutely right... but how? This surgery is surely going to change my perspective on life... Thinks will have to change after this surgery. For example, I wouldn't be able to have this type conversation face to face with a relative or someone close, I want to change that, I want to share...
  12. K062706

    So am going in for brain surgery

    So am going in for brain surgery in about a month, I've been really scared and nervous my surgeon says I have nothing to worry about, that he's done this procedure a thousand times and more. But you see -- am not afraid of the surgery or flatlining and dying during the operation. Am scared...
  13. K062706

    All You Care Givers Out There, Do You Pay Your Taxes?

    Thanks for this!!!! This is what I want to do with my life! This is my calling :) hopefully in 2 years or so I will be in business for myself. +Rep
  14. K062706

    yellow leafs ..

    And also did you spray the plant on its leaves with the fertilizer? you never want to spray them directly only pour to soil. found this great website for you to look at. it shows pic's of diseased/unhealthy plants. Take a look!!
  15. K062706

    yellow leafs ..

    Nitrogen, you need to test the soil to see if nitrogen is high or low. Like I said before, when theres a nutrient problem the upper leaves depend on the lower leaves for nutrients. So the leaves are turning yellow giviing the upper leaves nutrients. Miracle Grow is good soil for other certain...
  16. K062706

    yellow leafs ..

    Mix in a teaspoon of fertilizer in a gallon of water and poor a cup or half a cup to each plant. Spraying them is fine but they need to start drinking.
  17. K062706

    is this plant definitely male?

    He looks sexy ;) send him my way I'll make some Hash :)
  18. K062706

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello my name is K062706 and am an alcoholic --- Wait woops wrong forums.. hey whats up everyone! this is K062706 but you can call me K062 ;), am here to grow and educamate myself. :)
  19. K062706

    Am worried.... pic's

    It's a grow tent with Mylar under a 600 watt MH... I've also been thinking, maybe it has to do with spider mites... I wiped her with soap like 4 days ago and hand washed the leaves to get rid of any left over soap.. so am thinking maybe that could be it. The spider mites are gone but could be...