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  1. edux10

    Wash. Medical Pot Patients Protest Caps On Supply

    and 6 mature plants is nothing?!! If you are going to run all the electric do you think you should be able to grow as much as you can and however you want? Like having a sea of green uses 100 clones you can get the same amount out of 3 plants that you veg the shit out of
  2. edux10

    Wash. Medical Pot Patients Protest Caps On Supply

    ^^^^ What is that all about. Are you for or against bud. You should be able to have as much as you need. If I want to smoke an o a day then what?
  3. edux10

    L.A confidential or Kushberry

    isn't the LA just a rip off of the OGs and other kushes? Just availible in seed form? I would go with the berry one. There is no way for you to get a good cutting? That would be the real best way to do it if you are looking for a kush. Just get a bubba cut or og etc.
  4. edux10

    Earl's WidowCindy Grow Produced by Speedhabit

    See this is what mine were looking like Im thinkin that these are the females. The other 2 don;t look like they are showing, some of mine are like that too. Those look like seed pods not the seeds that males have. Im not 100percent and I think we will have to wait till flowering to really...
  5. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    And NO I am not flowering. I don't have a 600watt mh bulb. The lights are going to be on 24 hrs a day for up to a week to avoid any shock then to 18 hrs a day for a week or 2 then 12. cant wait!!
  6. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    Here is a picture from the transplant. Not too many roots bound down there. Better to transplant to give it some room now. And I just pop it into the new pot like how I transplanted them before. I found that it works best to transplant when the plant you are transplanting has really wet soil...
  7. edux10

    Garberville Purple

    woooooo that is some dank!! If it is the same garberville I am familiar with you are in for a real treat!! I don;t know when to cut it. Watch them trichs!!
  8. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    If this turn out to be true and I am describind it right they are mostly female. It looks like no male flowers (I have seen them before in real life so I kinda know). 3 with no signs.
  9. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    haha yeah thanks man. I will fo sho.
  10. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    So if my preflower comes out to a point it is a girl right? It looks like this but with no white hairs coming out of the end. HHhhmmm, what do you guys think?
  11. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    I thought I was throwing some good ideas out there man... The only one talking about personal gain there is bleezy. Look at my posts.
  12. edux10

    Big Foot

    what is the bizbay site? Do you mean
  13. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    you just do it for free and then give them some? How do you cover your costs? Selling the extra nodules?
  14. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    seriously man. where did you find that pic? Is there a link to a journal I could get? That is amazing!! That would be a good deal. Those don't cost too much to say that someone wouldn't buy you one of those. Of tell them buy 4 and Ill set you up 3 and you have to give one to me!! hahah
  15. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    Exactly man. That is a good point. Say you know what is up with growing and someone sick comes to you and needs help just be like sure but you have to let me grow x amount of plants that I can keep. That is fair right? And they pay for everything or you can let them borrow some equipment or...
  16. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    yeah that is what Im saying. Like in the post above. Its just sad that they dont help out (the co ops) you know that they are making bank! They are making money to support themselves and THEN SOME. I hope you don't share this outlook though. We need less people that are just worried about...
  17. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    Yeah I think the real key is not to be giving them the meds (maybe at first) but actually giving them the knowlage to grow their own. You know it like feed a man a fish and he eats for the night , teach a man to fish and he eats for life. When I started growing I was going throu my...
  18. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    Yeah I hear that. I don't know what too think. I know clubs are greedy. It like 'we'll we have to pay for overhead, rent, security (you want to feel safe right) and the cost of our little jars to put the weed in' but you see the owners driving bentlys and stuff and wonder where the money is...
  19. edux10

    cocaine - help

    Oh, right on. I am more knowlageable about growing than coke like Im sure you are the same way. Just help the brotha out and let him get on his merry way.
  20. edux10

    Free Medical Ganjas!!!

    The one hang up I see of the system is how do you keep people from getting free weed then just selling it too their friends for 50bux and eighth? I know when you are sick money gets really tight and all but.... look at my avatar.