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  1. herbose

    When do YOU think I should flower 2x4x5..

    You better start right now or you will for sure run out of headroom.
  2. herbose

    Cloning sucks

    I do it same as you and it takes 2-3 weeks. I like to see some roots coming out of the rockwool before I transplant.
  3. herbose

    Top Cola Harvest???

    Just make sure the trichomes on the cola are mature to the point you like and cut the cola off. The rest of the plant will continue to mature. Works fine.
  4. herbose

    2 problems, lower leaves n fan fell !!

    All the way off? You sure about that? If so I'd like to know how you did it. I've had them hanging by threads and survived but never all the way off. Not trying to be an asshole, trying to learn something new.
  5. herbose

    Survive or Die?

    30c=86f, that's close to top end for most non tropical strains. Should be okay. I've hit 117f and they didn't die......didn't like it at all but didn't die.
  6. herbose

    Its all i can think about

    Yes, THIS the right place to post your questions. I'm not sure what aluminum flashing is. Aluminum foil is not recommended, low reflection rates and possible heat problems. You're better off with mylar or white paint. The terms 5000k and 6500k (k is for degrees kelvin, not thousand) refer to...
  7. herbose

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Dumb do you get full size pictures in a post rather than thumbnails?
  8. herbose

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Oldies but goodies.
  9. herbose

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    DESTROY THE COMPUTER.........I can't wrap my head around that she joking?
  10. herbose

    new plant

    You need to learn a lot real fast. Read the FAQ here Then if you still have questions try to be specific. The RIU community will be glad to help you out.
  11. herbose

    Problem Need Experienced Help!!!

    Call me crazy but it looks like a typical high % sativa to me. I don't see a problem.
  12. herbose

    Telling Gender for the First Time - Please double check my findings

    Look fem to me but closer pics would help if possible. I've had problems with dispensary clones but it was strain not gender trouble. I can't imagine anyone selling to dispensaries cloning a male, hard to make that mistake.
  13. herbose

    last resort for spider mites

    If you're organic try Azatrol. It's an extract of neem oil without the oil. I used it on 40 outdoor plants and one bottle ($65) lasted the whole season. No bugs this year. If you're not organic and have an enclosed space try a fogger like this ($8). Fog twice.... a week apart. I use that...
  14. herbose

    Newbie Question about magnesium def.

    Check this link, it has a couple of solutions to mag def.
  15. herbose

    Please help. Brown spots on leaves!

    Check this out, maybe you'll find your problem there
  16. herbose

    A question about getting a card

    Probably depends on where you live. In Ca anyone can get a card if you go to the right doctor. Sounds like you have a legitimate reason for a card. Better see your doctor soon, you could have some serious problems.
  17. herbose

    will puting clones under 12/12 light schedule affect them ro0ting?

    Interesting question. Probably work but will take a lot longer to root. That's my guess.
  18. herbose

    Will Thise HomeMade Reflector Work?

    No, it's not the right spot, you just made a common newbie mistake. No problem, I did it myself at first. Don't change the subject in someone else's thread. Start a thread in Newbie Central and I will be happy to give you any help I can. Peace.
  19. herbose

    shallow pots ?

    The roots will follow the soil so it will work. Def need holes in the bottom and a tray.