Word. My attempt to grow in that kind of heat didn't live up to my expectations. My next grow began in late autumn/early winter and my plants really thrived in the lower temps. The point is that it can be done, but your yield will be greatly affected. Address the heat issue now and you'll be...
When do the auctions end? The prices are probably going up as we speak.
EDIT - Looks like you have 4 days if I'm looking at the right seller. Forget about paying $30 apiece.
Flowering starts when pistils form. Switching to 12/12 just means you're inducing flowering. I usually start seeing hairs in less than a week after switching to 12/12.
How many CFM's is your exhaust fan? You have it hooked up to the hood right? I run a 600W light with a Cool Tube and I can get it within 12", it would be even better if I had a more powerful exhaust fan.
Not really sure how much longer it will take, as I've never had to do this. It could be that they'll finish roughly on time, but smaller than would have been possible with more light. You should consider using indoor lighting. You'll end up with dwarf plants growing in the winter unless you put...
During flowering, your main concern is darkness, not so much the light schedule. As long as your plants have 12 or more hours of darkness, they'll continue to flower but at a slower rate than if you were giving 12 hours of light.
You could feed all the way up to the last 3-5 days if you use a flushing agent like Clearex or Final Flush, and yeah, it helps bud production. I used Clearex for a previous grow and the smoke was as smooth as can be.
I generally like to stick to one strain per grow, but there's no reason why you can't go for it. Be sure you know what the approximate flowering times are for each strain, as they may be different.
You may be able to bring them back, but if it were me....I'd probably start over, but it's up to you. By the way, I didn't ask you about pH, I asked you about PPM(parts per million)/TDS(total disovled solids). Do you have a TDS meter?
I have a small clip fan in my tent blowing light on the seedlings so they move around a bit, that way the stems will be nice and thick and won't droop over when fat buds start forming. Good luck to you in the meantime.
Probably not, but it's up to you to stay on top of the temperature. If it gets hotter than 85 in there you have a problem. You can probably get away with putting the light about 18" away, but again, only if heat isn't a problem. Always place your hand near the top of your plants and check for...