There 3layers the middle is bubble, the outers are the reflective. So I will cut one side reflective off and just use that. Blanket would be in camping area right?
What is purple stemming again?
Worried for the summer it will get even hotter in my own tent. What can I do? Cold ice cubes in tubberware? Another fan? Can't get the tube that leads out to fresh air
Temps are too high need another fan In there. Have this reflective material that is for insulation, has bubble pop material in the middle both sides are reflective. Cut it slimme removing one reflect side? Too probably reduce heat?
Alright good stuff. So keep with some of the eggin nutes and then just start the blooming nutes first at hi potential feeding? And the budding mutes right when I see flowering structures?
If growiNg for medical personal reasons is a vertical hangig bulb efficient? Or just the hps reflective hood? What about that cool tube bulb?
Fudgin mites r still webbin my girls damn!!!
Leafs are lightgreen and some yellowing I think I have been flushing out the nutes. ?