Keel thanks for all info y'all. Now leafs are light green some dying of yellowing. Need to keep up with watering. And will feed buddahgrow every 3rd watering. 2tbs per gal
Nice info brodda. If only local book stores and library held these type of books. I would be in there all day. For some reason reading up on Maryjane really intrigues me. Type of connosouer I am
ohh okay.... how weird how my girls when young had like single bladed leafs and shit... now healthier... k so will feed every 3rd watering with buddah grow' and some molasses
have one that i mainly use that is with the push down tabs..
the red and green tabs- do they need two green and two red???
help me out
need it to work right at 18/6
What tab well am using azamax. Opposite sometimes I miss the watering every two or three days. Leaves are somewhat yellow brown spots?
Should I feed mutes evry wateriing now?