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  1. Greather420

    How to Grow in the Hood?

    Ain't that the truth!
  2. Greather420

    150 Watt HPS Enough

    When I have seen nuts come from my plants in that area they hang. If you are concerned about your plant/s being hermi's watch for banana looking thing in the bud. If you see those pick them out. They are pretty tall then depending on the size of your room the plant WILL be fighting over light...
  3. Greather420

    You Must Be High to B]be in This Thread - Toke N Talking

    Daps on the Dabs!!!!! Hi Five!
  4. Greather420

    150 Watt HPS Enough

    I might be wrong but those look like calyx's to me. How big are your plants? What type of growing method are you using. I did 2 successful grows using only a 150watt hps. They where each 6 small plants in a diy dwc tub. The yield was not the best but if it is all you got it will do just fine.
  5. Greather420

    Who makes the Best Cheese Strain?

    We have clones marked "UK CHEESE" and the one in flower right know is pure skunk funk and it is only @ 3 1\2 weeks flower. One of our new favorites for our head stash!
  6. Greather420

    Who's Got the Biggest Bud? Post Them Here

    Was that from seed? We love ak48 got some seedling of it going right know. Hope we can give you a run for your money;-)
  7. Greather420

    Who's Got the Biggest Bud? Post Them Here

    WOW! What in the world is that strain? Great work by the way.
  8. Greather420

    Who's Got the Biggest Bud? Post Them Here

    Not the biggest here but we are proud of her any way;-)
  9. Greather420

    New Grow - From Seed - Cataract Skunk and Short Bus

    Those buds are CHUNKY superb work! Sub'd I wanna see more!!!!
  10. Greather420

    Attempt 1 at a Perpetual Harvest

    hahaha yeah we never meant for it to get that big. We did not have the room in the old flower tent so it sat in veg for a while. Should have a hefty end yield tho;-) Thanks for stopping by.
  11. Greather420

    TrainWreck Og & UK Cheese Grow Bubble/Drip

    You're off to a good start! We got some uk cheese too and it is a stinker(in a good way) Can't go wrong with the TW either.
  12. Greather420

    Can Light Form My Veg Enter My Flower Room?

    As long as you flower room light is on it is o.k. to have door, vents, ext open. I have a 5x5 tent with a 600watt hps and in the summer I always leave my tent windows and doors open during lights on. Just be sure to close it up when the lights go out;-)
  13. Greather420

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Thank you sir! She is 1 week into flower under a 600watt HPS in a air cooled hood. She is about 18" away from the light and won't get much taller(thanks 2 the LST) This is a Cheese clone that I lst'd also. It looks like a banzai tree to us.
  14. Greather420

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Here is a Chem D x Bubba bag seed creation that we have vegged for 2+months. Did some branch bends and tied some of the lower branches down.
  15. Greather420

    My First Grow And Journal

    Damn Awesome Grow! Sub'd.:bigjoint:
  16. Greather420

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Our Cheese is frosting up! It is at about 3-1\2 weeks. Kinda looks like a Banzai tree:bigjoint:
  17. Greather420

    Attempt 1 at a Perpetual Harvest

    So I thought I would show some the the other plants that are in the 4 week and below mark. This is a Chem D x Bubba Bag seed creation. It was vegged for 2+ months! It has been LST'd in various areas and in different ways such as tie downs and branch bends as you can see in the 4th picture...
  18. Greather420

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    We love your avatar maryjizane.
  19. Greather420

    White Hairs Coming Out but Start Turning Red the Next Day

    Maybe some male pollen floating around?
  20. Greather420


    Wish I could had seen this sooner! Those plants look very healthy so far. What kinda ventilation you have going on?