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  1. benzi2191

    Your top 10 things to do when high

    best thing to do play mw3 or black ops on my ps3 o and sexy time with the missus or watch a movie or play the drums :)
  2. benzi2191

    Auto-Flower Bud Porn!!!

    nice bruv can i ask what light was you using i have been sketchy about auto's done alot of reserch heard good and bad this proves to be a good point about growing them you have done well mate i have 9 blueberry on the go now then putting in my 8 auto's cream carmel and big devil soon as there...
  3. benzi2191

    9 blueberry plants :) 1st grow

    well they have survived after there awful trim they have gone crazy again giving them 1 more week then going to turn them to 12/12 they have been on 18/6 through out the whole veg will post pics 2m of there last week in veg :) o and i had to buy some ph down as i did a ph test and it was 7,0...
  4. benzi2191

    9 blueberry plants :) 1st grow

    shit hot bro yeah that cream carmel is going to be nice mate but yeh man cant wait for these to go into flower going to be some nice buds i hope :) shit hot for stoping by mate :)
  5. benzi2191

    150 HPS Cabinet Single Plant

    hey bro looks sweet man im subed just to see how this turns out in the end be good to see what you get :)
  6. benzi2191

    another boy or girl post....

    im defo going with plant 1 being a female mate but might be proved wrong when you update :) :)
  7. benzi2191

    Day 8.. How do they look?

    move them asoon as you see the roots coming out of the bottom thats when i move mine mate looking okay bruv keep it up :)
  8. benzi2191

    Seeds just won't germinate

    tbh nial i would just put them in a draw or summat anything dark i always have done it always worked for me mate
  9. benzi2191


    was that a sly dig then mate ? was only trying to help if so :S
  10. benzi2191

    Seeds just won't germinate

    hmm well just give them few more days bro
  11. benzi2191

    another boy or girl post....

    no probs :)
  12. benzi2191

    Seeds just won't germinate

    could always be dud seeds bruv not saying they are some can take 2 weeks aswell i always store mine in my air cupboard its dark and warm :)
  13. benzi2191

    another boy or girl post....

    100% female bruv got some ladys there:) good luck with the rest of your grow
  14. benzi2191

    First autoflower grow & dwarfs colossus

    SUBED BRO! yeh be good to watch these i have some auto's going in after my grow is done but yeh be intresting to watch this mate good luck!
  15. benzi2191


    very hard to see mate take it futher back but i would say female by the looks of those 2 pistols
  16. benzi2191

    Battlefield 3

    well big fan of both! but mw3 has done it for me kill streaks are what all games should have makes you want the kills more! bf3 TO MUCH STRESS! iv played bf for a few years now and since mw2 and blackops they have crushed multiplayer games bf3 yeswill be a huge multi player but i do think mw3...
  17. benzi2191


    i would say they could do with some N MATE i would say its low but hey just my opioin mate i would 100% buy a ph tester think every one growing should have one...
  18. benzi2191


    ahh nice bro :) im using hps any way for both thought the mh would be better shows im still learing ha
  19. benzi2191


    bro defo healthy :) looking good bro im using 600w hps for both veg and flower should really have a mh for veg go better but yeh 400 is defo enough mate good luck :)
  20. benzi2191

    DJ Short Blueberry Grow by Snafu (all organic)

    defo subed bro going to be good to see how a fellow grower does with there blue's as well im still learning so im just hoping they go okay but yer was ment to ask do you know of any really good nutes im a begginer in that subject i have only ever used ionics ha