Nice looking.. sativa, or mostly .... get some bloom nutes ..check my trich chart in sig link to know when ready...... good find.. bet you're chuffed.... :) Luck.
Get a lock..owner may come for her..
T5s $60... I use them and two T12 plant/ aquarium (full spect.).. philips agrosun.. these are cheaper than 5's.... $9 x 2 .. and the ballast and fixture assembly $ 25.... All T's are cooler than CFL.. IMO.
Halogen is no good... pot will follow a candle and a picture of the sun... but its not...
You can transplant anytime... just let soil dry out, kill males and cut off.. run knife around inside of pot, hit the pot on ground and lift by stem.. gently try to untangle roots from female.. if to hard w/out tearing good roots forget it...