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  1. LedZeppelin8906

    Cannabis: Truly Mind Expanding

    Hey Rollitup bongsmilie How is everyone's Morning, Afternoon and Evening going? I just had my wake and bake and was reading up on THC or Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and read a very interesting statement. "Research has also shown that past claims of brain damage from cannabis use fail to hold...
  2. LedZeppelin8906

    Guitar playing and Tokin :)

    I've only gotten 9 years of experience under my belt, but at 8 hours a day it adds up, I play everything from classical to blues, to rock, to metal, my favs to warm up to are One - Metallica, Master of Puppets, Niccolo Paganini's 24th Caprice (for Violin usually, but can be played on guitar) and...
  3. LedZeppelin8906

    Cool picture thread

    Not really a cool pic, but the eyes are haunting
  4. LedZeppelin8906

    Which Star Wars Character/Creature would you toke up with?

    Wouldn't want to hit the Bong with Emperor Palpatine, He'd freak out and think the Rebels were attacking.... Yoda would be cool to smoke up with, "Use The Force Young Padiwan" he would say, then he'd burst out laughing bongsmilie
  5. LedZeppelin8906

    Which Star Wars Character/Creature would you toke up with?

    I wouldn't mind sharing a blunt with Padme, Natalie Portman is pretty hot. :hump:bongsmilie
  6. LedZeppelin8906

    Which Star Wars Character/Creature would you toke up with?

    Would'nt wanna toke up with Chewbacca, He'd probably end up getting the munchies....:joint:
  7. LedZeppelin8906

    Which Star Wars Character/Creature would you toke up with?

    Jabba would pooch your bowl in one hit and say pfft you call this weed? :weed:
  8. LedZeppelin8906

    Which Star Wars Character/Creature would you toke up with?

    I just had a nice bowl before relaxing and playing some Starwars Battlefront 2, an older game (playstation 2) and I thought, if I could toke up with any star wars character or creature what would it be? I came to the conclusion, an Ewok. The funniest thing would be to walk into your basement and...
  9. LedZeppelin8906

    Hey RIU: Entertain Me for Rep!

    So a bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. The Bear turns to the rabbit and says "Do you ever have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?" The Rabbit replies "No" So the bear turns around and wipes his ass with the rabbit. bongsmilie
  10. LedZeppelin8906

    Inverted Aeroponics

    A plant moves nutrients from the roots to the leaves and such, by a process called Translocation, Translocation requires energy from the plant to raise the nurtients to the top of the plant, it requires energy because of Gravity, if a plant were upside down, Gravity is pulling everything down...
  11. LedZeppelin8906

    Inverted Aeroponics

    I had a thought the other day after a huge bowl, I know when plant are placed upside down they will eventually curve upwards and grow reaching for the light, but I was wondering if possibly you germinated a plant normally, grew it to seedling, then when the stem and root system are developed...
  12. LedZeppelin8906

    Biology/Ecology: Swine Flu

    I think at the end of the day, everyone is going to realize this flu isnt a big deal, life will go on as normal, I just think its interesting all the hype this is getting, rhe WHO raising pandemic alerts, Egypt slaughtering 300,000 pigs just because they are scared (It's been confirmed you can't...
  13. LedZeppelin8906

    Biology/Ecology: Swine Flu

    I completely agree that there is nothing to worry about, theres been alot of conspiracy theories being thrown around, so I thought i'd throw a more practical reason for it. influenza A virus subtype H1N1 is a descendant of the Spanish Influenze virus, and we all now what happened with that one...
  14. LedZeppelin8906

    Biology/Ecology: Swine Flu

    I know what you're thinking, not another Swine flu thread, but hopefully mine is a little different, I'll attempt to explain why I think this has happened in Mexico from a biological and ecological point of view. If you hate scientific jargon then this thread will be boring lol bongsmilie so...
  15. LedZeppelin8906

    Anyone else notice the Swine Flu only kills Mexicans?

    The reason it started in Mexico is because of alot of biological and environmental reasons, the living conditions are horrible combined with a high denisity of population (8,836,045 Mexicans in only 1,485 square km, which is about 5,950 People per Square Kilometer) and a poor healthcare system...
  16. LedZeppelin8906

    Most potent sativa

    Kali Mist is pretty good shit :bigjoint:
  17. LedZeppelin8906

    How to Get out of Jury Duty

    Add to the list, come up with your own, I forgot to put that lol smoked some potent sativa bongsmilie
  18. LedZeppelin8906

    How to Get out of Jury Duty

    Some funny ways to get out of jury duty, I highly reccommend not doing any of them lol for obvious reasons :eyesmoke: 1. Whenever a lawyer finishes a cross-examination make the Law & Order "chung-chung" tone. 2. Stand up at random intervals throughout the trial and do Karate chops. 3...
  19. LedZeppelin8906

    Post Your Poetry

    The first is a random verse I wrote, the last 2 are ending verses for 2 seperate poems I wrote for my g/f, yeah they are cheesy love poems, big whoop wanna fight about it? lol jk, family guy is on bongsmilie:bigjoint: With words Ill try to describe, that which can never be defined, that which...
  20. LedZeppelin8906

    Do you believe in God?

    I'm with mastrkush on this one, when you die, it's like a candle being blown out, you enter a state of Oblivion, or nothingness, so enjoy life now with a bowl while you can :leaf:bongsmilie