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  1. Joker209

    First Timer

    Man I missed a shit load!!! God dam internet company!! Shit bro they are looking delicious right now I am really looking forward to later :D
  2. Joker209

    Extremely easy and cheap DIY outdoor/indoor feeder.

    If you look at my strawberries they love the shit. They give great fruit too :D
  3. Joker209

    Dam man I just got back online after a week and a half of them fucking with their hardware or...

    Dam man I just got back online after a week and a half of them fucking with their hardware or some shit like that. Their equipment was old and needed replacing or some shit.
  4. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    If you can't fit your plant (what's above the soil) in the pot you are growin in the pot is too small. I wouldn't go with anything smaller than 5 gallon buckets for growing personally...
  5. Joker209

    First Timer

    I might incorporate it into my first Riu grow journal and redirect it to a new journal later on. I haven't started any new journals cuz they changed it up some on me now I don't know how to do the journals... I hate blogging shit lol
  6. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    Yea that is a link I sent you and a few other people too..
  7. Joker209

    Getting Started Small w/ CFL's...Again...But a little bigger this time.

    Just dropping in to see how that supercropping is going.
  8. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    I do think it may have been me that sent you to that link. I remember referring a couple people towards that same link.
  9. Joker209

    Looking for experienced LED growers.

    Bumping for the LED community :D
  10. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    The bottles look like they are really cheap. This could be a cause. Should go with some GH or FF and see if the problem stops. I had this problem when I wasn't flushing my res good enough. The salts build up and get to be food for the algae and that's where the problems begin. I will keep a...
  11. Joker209

    Easy to Build DIY Carbon Filter

    The duct isn't necessary no. You can build onto this design and go from there.
  12. Joker209

    First Timer

    I have used 2200k HPS for veg and never had stretching problems on numerous accounts. The stretching has to do with weather or not the plant is getting enough useable light rather than just light. If you use cfls your plants will stretch somewhat. If you use hps at a far distance there will...
  13. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    What nutrients are you currently using? What additives?
  14. Joker209

    Newbie Master Kush Crop

    Nope can't say that I have. I am 1 of those smoke it all day kinda guys. Sun up to pass out :D That's me
  15. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    Who knows maybe lasers will be the next type of grow light. You never know, I mean look at Led's... :idea::weed:bongsmilie:bigjoint::lol: Dude that's what I'm here for and that's why I made this thread :D sorry it took me so long though. I really had no way to get online and check my mail :D
  16. Joker209

    Extremely easy and cheap DIY outdoor/indoor feeder.

    It is just a simple feeder for your plant. If the guano or castings are used up in the soil you can supplement it with this. Thanks for looking anyway :D I usually do it during veg cycles with the worm castings and bat guano. Editing the original post with pictures
  17. Joker209

    Extremely easy and cheap DIY outdoor/indoor feeder.

    This is extremely easy to do and works very well. I have used this design for strawberries and tomatoes for years and it has increased my yields off of those way better. The fruits are larger and taste better. Here is the design with pictures. 1. Take a container (toilet paper rolls work...
  18. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    This is another question that has already been answered but I will re-answer for you. The root goes down always... Some people plant them the other way but it takes longer for them to pop out of the soil that way.
  19. Joker209

    Two Queens Stuffed in a Fridge

    Looks good man. They really love that fridge huh?
  20. Joker209

    started my journey into hydro, help me make it safely =P

    Just threw a compilation together about your friends fish idea. It already exists and is called Aquaponics. Here are a few links for you to check out.