walmart sporting goods sec- emergency blanket - and i use 6 23w cfls for vegging 8 plants to 8" tall then flower them
buy a bathroom 3 light vanity for $7 @ HD add 3 plitters and whala
mine took like 1 week to week and a half and is still small, i made a 3 inch cut, rooted like in 12 days and 2 weeks later maybe 4 , just seemed my seeds grow faster
YES, it will grow, are you talking actual wattage? i use 6 23w cfls for up to 8 plants vegging in my small box, but i flower them after month @ 8 inches tall, make sure there 5500k or 6500k for vegging
i seriously cried laughing, since my Sony HD tv took a shit, and they told me to fly a kite, this will make any ones day
i used jiffy pellets and rootech cloning gel. kept them warmer this time and covered. it took 10-14 days to get roots outside the pellets, and slowly gaining micro sets of
FINALLY, got roots in my clones, i have one thats like 2 inches tall growing new leafs now, just seems it grew faster from seed. is this plant going to end up the size of my penis?