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  1. leeny

    Celebrities that smoke weed

    micheal (almost) hero, does he technically count as a celeb?
  2. leeny

    Are they really terrorists or are they just plain mercenaries

    oh I love that movie! mostly how it basically refferences that EVERYONE smokes! lol
  3. leeny

    Should I go to Jamaica or Amsterdam?

    so today I have been slightly turned off of amsterdam by one reason : Hostel.... does that shit really happen?!
  4. leeny

    Guerilla Stash Methods

    well, if you're taking the tree thing seriously, you must have sources and abilities that I don't have. haha but you could find a really big tree that has a knot and that already looks like a hole and nobody would even give it a second look. but I think climbing (or getting a ladder ;) ) and...
  5. leeny

    Guerilla Stash Methods

    lol holy shit, I just can't imagine digging the hole for a wall safe! you should find a big fake oak tree, hollow it out then stick it in the forest!!! lol that. would. be. legit!
  6. leeny

    Are they really terrorists or are they just plain mercenaries

    how did this turn so quickly into a 9/11 or bush or america thread? I thought he was just talking about terrorists in general..... not all terrorists are from the middle East. but I know us stoners don't need that explained to us...right? :D
  7. leeny

    not a doctor but you'll take a look anyway? lol or are you.....?

    not a doctor but you'll take a look anyway? lol or are you.....?
  8. leeny

    Does anyone know how to make cotton candy weed?!

    whoa.... that. idea. ROCKS!
  9. leeny

    Who's a dumb ass?? He's the dumb ass

    that was awesome, I love Bob Barker
  10. leeny

    Are they really terrorists or are they just plain mercenaries

    wow, I used to think this whole heartedly(and still do) and then my sister got mad at me for thinking that way and all of a sudden she was right. ( I REALLY looked up to her) but yeah, I don't believe in right or wrong, thankyou for comming out with that.:clap: look dude- this is the human...
  11. leeny

    Petition banning "Crush" videos

    holy shit this thread made me tear up :sad:
  12. leeny

    Girls, Girls, Girls, ............... Comment thread

    hahaha I love how yall crack me up before bed :hug:
  13. leeny

    Fat Chicks WTF

    why would you criticize people at all?
  14. leeny

    Boy-Girl...please take this thred seriously

    i feel ya man. bi is less accepted than being gay IMO, but when you do find your true friends and the one you love, it'll be better than you could imagine...... journey on!
  15. leeny

    Bong filler

    mouthwash makes it minty!
  16. leeny

    Fat Chicks WTF

    shit dude. I've got respect for the big girls that can go out to clubs and shit. I try and be confident but I'm not. and the fuckers that tell me I'm fat and disgusting? fuck you I know. I've been fat forever. I am fat. I hate being fat. thatkyou for telling me once again how fucking fat and...
  17. leeny

    I Hate Stupid Drivers!

    ... better safe than ticketed and in hand cuffs then taken to jail for POM.... IMO