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  1. leeny


    :hug: lol that's my sig!
  2. leeny

    I Hate Stupid Drivers!

    this is the safe way to drive..... but due to technicalities and the ever picky/pissed off officers, this is against the law for me and yes I have been ticketed, running a red light, failure to stop at designated point (behind the line).... I'm just defending myself because I am this person. and...
  3. leeny

    The Offical Sweet Rides Thread

    I roll a '97 mitz ~dank mobile~ or the panzaar as some call it. lol it's a beast not a fast car at all :D
  4. leeny

    Why Does Man "Need" Religion

    it's certainty and safety. black and white. you do this and you will get rewarded with this but if you do that than you will be punished with that... there would be no "life rules" which might result in either total chaos or total freedom... and the chaos is too risky... (money too)
  5. leeny

    new ways to rid of paper currency

    good point... why is gold so precious anyway? it's shiney, and there's a limited amount, and..... it's a soft metal? I'm not sure. we NEED food, water, shelter, and clothing.... who wants to trade!!! lol I'm just playing.
  6. leeny

    new ways to rid of paper currency

    I'm not sure you understand my point. and if you've got a chip in your arm it's (to me) the same as cash. and that's what I want to get rid of. I just want the 'currency' whatever it may be, to be worth something. it's not worth gold, or anything right now.... so why are we trading paper. (it's...
  7. leeny

    would you post us ladies a pic in the hottest guys thread? please?? we all love you so!

    would you post us ladies a pic in the hottest guys thread? please?? we all love you so!
  8. leeny

    ...did I send you a visitor message? I'm very confused now...

    ...did I send you a visitor message? I'm very confused now...
  9. leeny

    weirdest dreams you've ever had

    huh I used to try and convince myself that the dream world was reality and the 'real world' was fake... yeah, what you said fairy! it's pretty cool, but you have to be confident, and in control, and a mostly cheery person, because being disconected from reality makes a lot of people go mental...
  10. leeny

    You wake up, confused, stoned, and hungry. You are in a strange kitchen...

    lol funny concept, but none the less I chose the beer, the ice cream, and the coca cola! (haha I've always got two drinks and don't know why...)
  11. leeny

    Pastor of Assault Rifle guy at Obama Rally prays for Obama to die!

  12. leeny

    new ways to rid of paper currency

    so today I suggested to a group that perhaps we could come up with a way that a barter system in America could work... I was immediately attacked. and I am saying like TODAY, from now on, with all our possessions, all we can do is barter. it would be difficult and so on but point is I was trying...
  13. leeny

    What do you grab to break up on

    this has always had to be an important object for me, the one I'm currently using is a broken off piece of brick from the roof of my first job where we would all go to
  14. leeny

    how did you meet you significant other?

    agreed, but if I had a love this would be endearing sooo..... *back button*
  15. leeny

    laced weed?

    hmmm, good answer I thought maybe it was to get people addicted to the harder stuff and keep people coming back for more... guess it prolly varies
  16. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    haha at least you're 'supposed' to have authority! I'm gonna work at a gas station-lame work but it pays for the weed, right! lol (been out for a couple days and this shit has gotten old...) oh god I took benadryl today to get fucked up and it is the worst trip ever... YUCK!
  17. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    hey fairy! I was just thinking 'where did that thread go" the other day... lol I got a job today!!! woo-hoo
  18. leeny

    laced weed?

    i don't understand this.... why would any dealer lace their shit and try to sell it as nonlaced? that doesn't make sense.... wouldn't they just try and sell the drugs seperately to make more money?
  19. leeny

    lol Naw I handled that like a champ! ok, well actually there wasn't really an interview, because...

    lol Naw I handled that like a champ! ok, well actually there wasn't really an interview, because they were "desperate" but I can't start untill i get a TABC license to sell alcohol
  20. leeny

    the generation jar

    lol I'd buy, smoke, save, then run out of weed and money and smoke the jar..... I just don't have enough cash to do that!