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  1. leeny

    Alcohol definitely makes me warm, Weed definitely makes me..

    mmm, nicer, and less on edge-don't jump at people as often, and DEF. horny... :D
  2. leeny

    P.A users please read

    "water-pipe" don't say bong...
  3. leeny

    P.A users please read

    are head shops illegal in PA? i forget state laws are different...
  4. leeny

    Caught masturbating? Better hope it's not by this crazy bitch.

    agreed with the few others.... this is just too CRAZY to be the end of the story, I want to hear the other problems too.
  5. leeny

    I need weed!!!!

    god this is almost torture for my soul, zigzag
  6. leeny

    All The Name Calling

    oh homegrown how I shall miss your Avi. kudos on the mouthwatering burger! lol I never posted here but reading the threads made me laugh...oh well maybe some civility will be reinstated to the other sections..
  7. leeny

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    the devil you say!
  8. leeny

    Why Exactly Is Cannibalism Wrong?

    I agree, we as humans just don't NEED to use that survival tool, and I think it is taboo because it would relate us to animals too much... and we're much more advanced:roll:
  9. leeny

    What is your favorite "SOUND" thread

    /\/\/\/\/\ i like it!
  10. leeny

    my 'what if' thread

    what if you put nitrous oxide in your bong and blew up your face... -keleo made me think of this... and what if when people were 'cut out' of your vision what you saw in its place was the 'crawling ants' from a fuzzy TV screen
  11. leeny

    What is your favorite "SOUND" thread

    hair being cut, or ceiling fans whirring, or the 'white noise' of a overfilled room.....ooooh that's nice....
  12. leeny


    I was just saying what you said, you can't trust the internet, or the info you find on it.... basically... WE AGREE!!! lol this is kinda ridiculous now...
  13. leeny

    Laughing Gas & Weed

    you'd need to know chemestry and I vaguely remember some nice naps during my junior yr chem class...
  14. leeny


    credentials please... edit: I should stop picking fights... I'm cranky so sorry I'll be back after a bowl, lol and I'll bring my nice side!
  15. leeny

    the 5 dollar pipe

    good idea though... making pipes is always fun for me, they always end up all crazy like
  16. leeny

    Laughing Gas & Weed

    fire bad...
  17. leeny

    Why Exactly Is Cannibalism Wrong?

    you said the magic word my friend! taboo is taboo and that is why it is taboo...:fire:
  18. leeny

    Laughing Gas & Weed

    holy shit.... this would, be, GENIUS! lol but to some, weed IS their laughing gas... but I wish it made me giggle more, personally
  19. leeny


    lets recap- I said "vague idea" and "do research" not 'take any advice you get from the internet...' but I did rant unnecessarilly, and I do apologize... but I am tired of the ignorant questions I see all the damn time. and hey! there ARE pics of legit shrooms on my google page, so... poo. and...
  20. leeny


    I would REALLY like to know why people can't click over to google and f-ing google it-you are already on the internet? then you have a VAGUE idea of what's going on... seriously, google 'magic mushrooms in...