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  1. Gold medal bong hits

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Damn i need to check out that nice kicks place. All the places i used to go to in San antonio stop selling dunks.Which blows because thats all wear.
  2. Gold medal bong hits

    using lazyman's tek

    Yeah i dont really wanna sell it. Thats not my kind of thing. I just rather bring something to plate because my friends got the weed and shrooms covered.
  3. Gold medal bong hits

    Its festival season again.....

    I am going to marley fest in austin its going to be sweet
  4. Gold medal bong hits

    Michigan Legal!

    Just wondering are the how hard is it to get mmj card in michigan right now.i have family up there and was thinking of moving up there. Getting a card would be a great plus
  5. Gold medal bong hits

    A Case Full Of Glass

    Yeah im sure id buy a nice glass tray. sounds like a cool idea if its not to hard
  6. Gold medal bong hits

    A Complete Pictorial & Editorial Shroom Grow!

    I need to start making jars soon instead of just helping out lol. This website has been making me wanna get off my ass and make some stuff. i am just trying to decide what i wanna do first make dmt or fuck around with rc's. Since my friend has the shrooms covered. What would you do first l. but...
  7. Gold medal bong hits

    A Complete Pictorial & Editorial Shroom Grow!

    Idk from the pictures the jars look like there not tapered which would make it hard if your doing cakes. has a little more info on it. But i am still a newb to shrooms just know a little from when i was helping out my friend
  8. Gold medal bong hits

    Texas Growers Unite!

    I hope to start growing soon all your guys crops very good. We should all meet up at this years marley fest. Going to be my first time going and i am so stoked.
  9. Gold medal bong hits

    using lazyman's tek

    Just wondering what would the start up cost for making dmt. cause people paying like 20 for .1 which is horrible. I just want my friends to enjoy it without getting robbed lol
  10. Gold medal bong hits

    Just sent out payment for 500mg 2c-e!

    Just wondering about how many dose is 500mg.
  11. Gold medal bong hits

    Need some advice

    Thanks guys i think i am just going to write a research paper for her and college. Kill two birds with one stone lol.
  12. Gold medal bong hits

    Why Are Potheads Losers?

    Haha i totally agree man
  13. Gold medal bong hits

    Need some advice

    So yeah my mom has a lot of medical problems. Some days she wont even get out of bed just because she is in a lot of pain. I don't like seeing this at all. I know if she would just toke it up should would fell a lot better. I wanna introduce to pot but i am not sure as how to do this. Has anyone...
  14. Gold medal bong hits

    Canada - where to order 2c-i and other things

    Ok man ill give you rc source but dont tell anyone lol
  15. Gold medal bong hits

    Sex on Salvia?

    haha man i wouldnt even try it. You'd probably start thinking some alien trying to munch on you lol.
  16. Gold medal bong hits

    How much do you pay for an 1/8 where you live?

    it depends for me but 50 a 1/8 is about avg. Plus i get matched 95% of the time
  17. Gold medal bong hits

    best pothead job?

    I would have to say working at a headshop would be pretty cool. Every time i walk into the local headshop they are just playing cod superblazed looking
  18. Gold medal bong hits

    Howdy from a texan newb

    Hows it going fellow tokers:joint:. Long time lurker thought i should stop that and start posting for once.To my fellow texans hope to see some of you at marley fest this year. P.S. I had to type howdy. Most people probally think we all think we wear cowboy hats and ride horse =P:peace: