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  1. B

    Waaayyyy Early mature of Buds?

    There is no way it is 4-5 weeks into flowering, that means that i would have had these plants during the summer which is impossible because i was in europe until september 3rd. And I got these as clones from the club so they were already pretty big when i got them. And they are maybe 2.5 weeks...
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    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    Crap actually i forgot, by accident i bought soil that had nutrients already added in, i know thats bad, could this be the source?
  3. B

    Waaayyyy Early mature of Buds?

    never thought of it like that thanks for all the help!
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    Waaayyyy Early mature of Buds?

    yes, the plant is about 5 weeks old i planted it in october. I really have no idea why the process is so sped up? But its veg stage was very short until the flowering stage began. Im actually kinda upset because my yield for this plant is going to be soo low compared to what it should be...
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    Waaayyyy Early mature of Buds?

    I like this theory, but I have been growing outside the whole time. But i do think the lack of light as triggered something that is making the plant rush the flowering process. This plant is nuts! All my other plants are going the right route, i have one that has been flowering for about 4 weeks...
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    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    I tested the PH and it is exactly between 6.5-7. So should i give them a 0-10-10 fertilizer? What ratio would be best?
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    Waaayyyy Early mature of Buds?

    Maybe i'm wrong on the strain, that just what my friend told me who got it for me, but he could easily be wrong. So theres a good chance its not G13.
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    Waaayyyy Early mature of Buds?

    yea, this is my frist plant So I'm no where near an expert, Im actually a beginner still open to learning. But after inspecting the trichs its seems like they are already turning amber. Could this be because of the cold? So it looks like its mature, but its really not? Or could it be because...
  9. B

    Waaayyyy Early mature of Buds?

    hey everyone, I have a plant (not sure what strain), And it is almost completely purple, Its being grown outside, and is getting nothing but WATER. The temps in Los angeles are about high 60, low 50. Also the trichs on all the buds seem to be almost fully matured and the plant has only been...
  10. B

    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    what type of nutrients should i give them? like a 0-10-10? they are already flowering too, maybe 2-3 weeks into it
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    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    ok thanks! but the only thing is i haven't given them any nutrients, only pure water
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    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    what do you mean by nutrient lock up? and exact what specific nutes could it need?
  13. B

    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    They are from clones from the medical marijuana club, when i got them they were about 8 inches tall. I'm growing them in L.A, Ca so its not that cold maybe around high of 66 low of 50. And i have been feeding them only water, no nutes. I really have no idea whats up. Also in the first pic why...
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    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    Hey, I'm Having a few problems with my plant(s). They were doing great about a week ago now they seemed to be doing great. but lately they have been turning brown and feel really dry, but they aren't under watered so i dont know whats going on. I have two plants that are doing this they...
  15. B

    Plants problems! Big leaves yellowing/falling off

    pics posted!! is there anything wrong with it??
  16. B

    In search of a new pipe

    hey, im looking for a new pipe that is compact enough to carry around discretely, but is also amazing, I just broke mine so i really need a new one asap and i want a great one this time. I really like bongs, because of the water and it cooling the smoke, but even a mini bong is too big for...
  17. B

    Plants problems! Big leaves yellowing/falling off

    nah im pretty sure its not that, its not old enough nor are there any signs of flowering. I really dont know whats up, ill get pics up soon!! thanks for the input tho!!
  18. B

    Plants problems! Big leaves yellowing/falling off

    hey everyone!! I have a plant that is about 1 week old from the club (California hehehe), it was a clone so i bought it and it was in the veg stage. It is about 10" (inches) tall, it looks strong and the roots were pearly white, but now a few small leaves have fallen off, and one big fan...
  19. B

    To replant or not?

    hey everyone, I have a 2 week old female that is starting to show a little sign of budding, the only thing is that i didnt fill the pot all the way to the brim with soil only half way so the plant is recessed into the pot. so the question i have is should i take out this plant and fill it up...
  20. B

    4 days old plants droopy and dying

    ok thanks, i really appreciate it!!