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  1. jebus2029

    mix plant stealth indoor cfl grow

    Haha, sample monster kills the yield every time. Mine is ripening up and I haven't touched a bud yet, but I did lollipop mine. I know once she is chopped up I'm going to want to try her, but I want to get her full experience on the first try. Take a pic of the cola next to a can or something so...
  2. jebus2029

    1st CFL grow 8ladies'

    I just use composted cow manure, but they have others there. It seems to be working well for me, but I don't have anything to compare it with to know if I'm getting good results.
  3. jebus2029

    First Grow And Box Design

    It's kind of a trade off sometimes. Some of the best cannabis I have ever had was very sparse and airy. The yield isn't always the best but the high from those long flowering sativas are ridiculous. I got some blueberry just last week that was like that. Loose buds, nice and fluffy, and the...
  4. jebus2029

    1st CFL grow 8ladies'

    You could make it with the guano or bonemeal by itself. Wouldn't need time to extract. I'd probably give it 30 minutes with the air pump just to make sure it's really well dissolved. I don't think the scraps would work all that well. You can get a big bag of compost at Lowe's though.
  5. jebus2029

    First Grow And Box Design

    Maybe the UFO is doing it. It's on the same timer as the other light right? Maybe it is just making new growth and it has an unusual way of doing it. This could be completely normal for it. You never know. If it fills in who cares, right?
  6. jebus2029

    mix plant stealth indoor cfl grow

    I'm going to say 1.85 oz dried. Looks tasty. Two more days till curing?
  7. jebus2029

    Blueberry clone turning Hermie?

    Yeah definitely female. How long has it been flowering for? Barely any flowers but they have shriveled up hairs and frosty resin. Plus the calyxes are very swollen.
  8. jebus2029

    Blueberry clone turning Hermie?

    Nope those are calyxes. The balls look like balls and are very bunched together. Plus you wouldn't see any hairs coming out of balls. Sometimes when girls get close to finishing a male flower that looks just like that banana shaped candy that you got out of quarter candy machines back in the...
  9. jebus2029

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    Better go change your shorts :mrgreen:
  10. jebus2029

    How much longer do you think she has to go?

    Here is my grow box. Two round tubs put together and line with a triple layer of duct tape (needed three layers to stop light from shining through. Four air intakes: two 1.5" and two 3". A 350 cfm axial exhaust fan going into a home made carbon air filter. A clear plastic spy window with a cloth...
  11. jebus2029

    How much longer do you think she has to go?

    I wish. It will probably be more like 1.5 oz when it's done I think. Depending on just how much she fattens up. Last year I ordered Brazil x KC and Mindbender by KC Brains from an online seed bank. I had heard about KC's seeds before and how they are reliable and known for being huge producers...
  12. jebus2029

    1st CFL grow 8ladies'

    I don't know what they do to make commercial compost tea last longer. I am assuming they put in some sort of preservative but that is just a guess. I was putting mine in a 10 gallon rubbermaid tub. I would make a layer on the bottom of the tub of about 2-3 inches of compost, sprinkle on a couple...
  13. jebus2029

    should i cut them

    Are you wanting to know about removing fan leaves altogether or trimming part of the leaf off? During what stage are people doing this and what are they saying their reason for it is?
  14. jebus2029

    How much longer do you think she has to go?

    I have a loop and will harvest when she's done. What I was actually asking though was how long people think she might take to finish so I can flush without doing it too far in advance and starving her, or too late and she doesn't get a proper flushing.
  15. jebus2029

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    I use ona gel to take care of the smell that my carbon filter can't handle. It works great, but you need to mix it every few days in the beginning and about everyday after half of it has evaporated. I just put the lid on it and give it a couple light swirls. I wouldn't stir it up with anything...
  16. jebus2029

    How much longer do you think she has to go?

    Really looks like two weeks to everyone?
  17. jebus2029

    Blueberry clone turning Hermie?

    I'm not seeing what you're talking about, but it does look like you might have some powdery mildew starting on that leaf of the top bud.
  18. jebus2029

    should i cut them

    Are you talking about clones? People cut off parts of the leaves because it is suppose to encourage root growth.
  19. jebus2029

    Axial's tiny for 6weeks??????

    Post some pics of the entire plant. Let's see how she is doing overall. Always a chance it might just be its genetics too. She might not get bushy during the vegetative state. It could also be the fact that she was under a HPS to start. I grow under CFL's and when they are extremely young they...
  20. jebus2029

    How much longer do you think she has to go?

    This was suppose to be a sativa that takes about 11 weeks to flower but turned out to be an indica so I don't have a flowering time guideline to follow. These pics were taken when she was 32 days into flowering. About 3/4 of the hairs are still white. New growth popped out about 3 days ago and...