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  1. J

    Holy Smoke: Strawberry Diesel - 400w Waterfarm

    yeah its prob a bit late to start a thread and i was gonna thats what i thought was a journal LOL im horrid.....the height is not a great thing for me as im a little limited with height. was told they were more indica than sativa so i got pickled there...i may have to hit them with u turn...
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    Holy Smoke: Strawberry Diesel - 400w Waterfarm

    hey buddy i got 4 strawberry diesels going atm on day 18 in flower. the stretch is redic...two plants started with heights of 28cm and 32cm befor they are both at 83cm they are fkn big ladies...running out of room i must have got a real sative pheno type which is not great lol. ill...
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    dutch master revers

    girls are 3weeks into flowering showed a few pollen sacks, so plan to hit them with dutch master reverse. directions also state that i need to add penertrator in order for it to work properly....has anyone used this product with out penertrator and had success or do i really need to add it...
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    please help....check this link out and go back one page also there i have...

    please help....check this link out and go back one page also there i have pics....
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    KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself

    wtf is this man?? some kinda of a joke obviously...they clearly high when posting again
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    Coco Growers Unite!
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    ugh just split my stem doing some very light lst. 2weeks into flower duct tapped it back together hopefully she be aight. posting some pics soon
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    nice buds ggg, what you growing there?
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    hey beav nice looking grow so far man, those plants are healthy as. have you ever tried keeping humidity between 50-55 in veg stage? it makes a huge diff. also have you ever experimented with keeping the growth/pre bloom feeding cycle going for 3 weeks into flower?
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    im guessing it would be to much humidity in the flowering stage. this casues mold spores to incubate in the medium and deep within the buds too. the trapped moisture is unseen to the naked eye until it gets moist enough to start growing fungi. that would be the only explanation i could think of.
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    hey man i dont think you should add anything extra to your flush. you should be waiting about 2-3 weeks befor you keep adding more things to your plant. as for the flush i wouldnt flush yet either. if you have flushed within the last week or so then there is no need. the best thing you can do...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    yeah beav your deff on track for sure i think..this early it wouldnt make any sense that it would be anything but a salt build up. but its hard to tell 100% using a water test for ph. there are to man variables that will bounce the ph up and down its never going to accurate. depends how much...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    also when you feed make sure you wet the whole medium not just the area around the plant, that way you wont have to feed for at least 3-4 days to begin with. and i would keep the ec rather low to begin with. 1/4 strength nutes max is plenty enough. at least wait until your plants stem can...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    hey buddy i think im right in saying first of that your ph coming out higher is a lock out of some sort. i wouldnt bother with epsom salts right now as the plant is very very young. what you can do if flush your medium 2-3times the size of your pot with phed water. i normally aim for ph to be...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    if you can put more coco on the top so just the leaves are sticking out of the top to give it more stability. if thats not an option then get a small stake or even a match stick and put 3 around it like a triangle and string it together so the sticks and string hold them stem in place, that way...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    i wouldnt suggest mixing in a cup*******
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    hey trif, i would deff not water every day for such a young plant. espec the size of the pot one solid watering of that pot anbd there will be enough moisture in there to last at least 3-4days depending on how hot your grow room gets. so i would not reccomend watering every day for such a young...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    hhmm i see, so what would be casuing the "eagle claw" and the different shades of green in the leaves, and the changing colour on the fat (inside of the leaf) part?? im also using a specific nute regime for coco from nutrfield..
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    no im not using a cal/mag sup but i think its about time i at least buy it and give it a shot to see if my beautys come back to me
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    by the way lan they are some super sick buds man....i would love to sink a few of them no doubt.. my plants have problems and i have no idea what it temps are constant 75 every day and 60-65 at night. humidty is always between 40-55% feed every few days with a ec of .9 and a ph of 6...