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  1. J

    is a 400w dual spectrum hps big enough for a tent size of 1.8m tall, by 1 meter square???

    is a 400w dual spectrum hps big enough for a tent size of 1.8m tall, by 1 meter square???
  2. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    yeah i have started ferts already. they get 50ml of a and b, and 30ml for the rest of the supps. all into a 40ltr res that i feed them in a top feed system for around 1-3minutes a day. god dam tubes keep getting blocked though so i might have the hand water. all the run of water goes back to the...
  3. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    ah ok then, i spoke to my hydro guy, and he didnt think i needed any cal mag when i brought all my nutes...he obv knows what im growing so thats why im a little stumped, also trying to figure out what is causing these leafs to be the way they are
  4. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    im not using cana, im using nutrafield line of nutes. a and b base, nf zyme (nitrogen supp) fulife, and cargo boost.
  5. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    so what do you think is causing those spots on the leafs?? i also thought that if you ran plain water through coco with no ferts it causes lock outs....
  6. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    any help on what could be casuing this would be great..
  7. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    hey king grow. there should not be a problem with cal/mag this early on. espec sine i have never run just plain water through my coco to casue lock outs. they are getting brown dead spots on them that just crack and crumble...not on all leafs though. 3 of my seedlings are ok thus far, but the...
  8. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    yeah the leafs are using nutrafield nutes. yeah the coco im using also has no added nutes, and feeding with every watering. i think the strentgh of the solution may be to weak.. the current res mix is 20ml of a and b. 20ml of nf zyme, 20ml cargo boost, and 20ml of fulife. im going...
  9. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    yeah, feeding system has got blocked so now i just use the res to mix everything then hand feed. the tent is 1.8m high by 1m sqr...growing in coco
  10. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    also they are under a 400w hid light is 40cm away from plants atm, light has been on for 24hr day since they popped out, i grew them all to 5cm under a fluro first...the temp is a constant 73-80 with humidty from 35%-50%
  11. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    im not sure if im using enough nutes, plants are about 2 weeks old, im using 20ml of ab, 20ml nf zyme, 20ml fulife, and 20ml of cargo boost. in a 40l thinking maybe the dose is too low.. what you think?
  12. J

    Help, Leaves dying

    is it normal for plants in there first few weeks or life to have slow growth follage wise and be prone to a few more sick leafs??
  13. J

    Strawberry Diesel from Holysmokeseeds Just Delicious!

    please help, i have 4 straw d'z just sprouted with only 1m max grow space for they can get to 1m tall and thats it. am i in trouble with these strains?? how tall do they grow i was told medium which works out to be 70-100cm so i thought, but know im told they grow 160cm PLUS...some...
  14. J

    Holy Smoke: Strawberry Diesel - 400w Waterfarm

    ok i got 4 pots that are 53cm tall, my tent is 180cm h X 1m sq. im growing 4 strawberry diesel and just read that they grow 160cm PLUS.............when i see medium height i think 1meter. these are not going to fit into my tent with the light needing to be 30cm away the max i can grow my plants...
  15. J

    hey buddy you know how tall strawberry diesel grows?

    hey buddy you know how tall strawberry diesel grows?
  16. J

    Holy Smoke: Strawberry Diesel - 400w Waterfarm

    can anyone tell me how tall the strawb diesel grows???
  17. J

    Holy Smoke Seeds Stawberry Diesel?

    2nd grow 4 strawXdiesel. (holy smokes seeds) germinated 4. 2 sprouted, so left the other two and germinated the last 2 which both sprouted and 5th seed on day 9 sprouted, one didnt. 5/6 germination rate. make sure you are germin correctly, and do some research on how long it can take a seed to...
  18. J

    Coco Growers Unite!

    hey all this is my buddah syrup or deimos i cant member lol my badness...should be ready fairly soon
  19. J

    Coco Growers Unite!

    i thought ec and ppm where the same thing, and no i just started using it so im just working out a rough gauge, i think it would increase if i used the reccomend about of nutes, but im fairly sure the run of water should be less cos it means that the plants are taking up the that correct?
  20. J

    Coco Growers Unite!

    quick question, my ec run of in coco is .3 and going in at .5 is this correct? could some one please tell me what i need to do to increase ec befor i water? it says on container it should be .6-1.2 but i dont no how to increase the ec. thanks