SICK for real? I never really thought of it... I put captain morgan in the weed once and I seriously thought it was disgusting.. But I mean, if that works with you. :joint:
Hey! I've been... well, right now I'm okay I guess. Lol. Things have been crazy but I have these weird spurts of randomly appearing and then leaving again lol.
How are you man?!
Don't just think it's wrong because everyone else does haha, the majority of people I know is really close minded about it.
See, that's different then. As long as it doesn't make you too lazy to take care of your kid then it's all good.
She "couldn't deal with it anymore" even though she didn't do anything to take care of him. Idk why she did but she got what she wanted and fucked me over lol... His name was Cooper :)
I used to for a little while. I haven't in months.
Well your lucky, I have a nice 2 gram ball for when I get desperate... which should be in the next couple days D: