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  1. ruderalis88

    Woomeister's Countdown To Xmas Thread.

    evenin' woo, evenin' bob. this is a broad accent, saying faither's just a slight tinge! 1unXQiwlZR4
  2. ruderalis88

    uk grower's

    i'm on top of it bob, crusts, leftovers, dapfel-grise, even some top quality bacon black pudding that went out of date. the foxes and birds are living like fucking kings out back of my house!
  3. ruderalis88

    Woomeister's Countdown To Xmas Thread.

    robert's your faither's brother, and i hope all your donuts turn out like fannys'
  4. ruderalis88

    hell of a good day!!

    couple of steps in the right direction there man, i'm pleased for you! now roll a phat one to celebrate
  5. ruderalis88

    Disturbing Trend in Medical Marijuana Laws

    interesting stuff it's not really much of a contradiction (cause Wisconsin is about to be the 2nd state to now legalise private mmj growing) and apart from that it wasn't bad at all :bigjoint:
  6. ruderalis88

    The I'm gonna do 42 good things with your name on IT club

    well you don't need to have said it to do the 42 things, eh
  7. ruderalis88

    How to get my rent to let me smoke weed!

    don't tell them, just don't smoke around them or at their house. generally i've found that people who are opposed to weed take a LOT of convincing to change their mind, but more often than not they just won't hear what you're saying. good luck anyway
  8. ruderalis88

    How many Scotian's we got out there?

    i'm weighing in on the old scottish side, but what's nova scotia actually like? been to canada but only BC, toronto and quebec. is it living up to it's name aye?
  9. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    i'm not english but i live in the UK, yeah theyre very british expressions either way
  10. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    a handy shandy? rosie palm and thumbelina? having a wank basically, no offence intended though!
  11. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    agreed, ladies are a lot more pleasing to the eye than guys, in general. and it's def more taboo to be a gay guy than a lezzer, good word to use! it's an interesting type of gender inequality
  12. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    choose a five knuckle shuffle eh :bigjoint:
  13. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    yeah doc111 the girls obv but those are not good lookin guys! what if there were 2 really fit guys in a bath, and the girls were a couple of fat skanky munters? also, obv a straight guy is gonna prefer girls to guys and a straight girl is probs gonna prefer guys to girls, it's the inbetweeners...
  14. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    hahaha this is way better than the epic boobs one, no question!
  15. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    true, although i've known guys who are totally straight but not as repulsed by the gay idea as most are...don't think it questions their straightness, jst means they're more open minded. totally each to their own though, i reckon most people's opinions on this are instinctual responses if you...
  16. ruderalis88


    yeah zippos spoil the taste completely. alright for cigarettes though. i use bics or matches for joints, or if i'm chilling at home there's usually a small candle burning nearby so i use that
  17. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    why does the gay/straight difference actually matter? if you want a beej and there's a mouth open, stick it in, doesn't matter if it's a guy or a girl. speaking as a girl who's fucked both guys and girls, girls def know their way around a vag better...stands to reason that a guy would know...
  18. ruderalis88

    honest talk about the negro coffee fetcher

    true dat yes mate! :bigjoint:
  19. ruderalis88


    i agree with that, but when there's good weed on the market as opposed to bad weed i usually judge it by how dry it is (therefore how big the bag is) how good/strong it smells, and sometimes how solid the bud is but not always. colour doesn't tend to make a difference in my book either
  20. ruderalis88

    Anyone get weed that didnt get you high?

    i got weed like that a few times a couple years ago, it didn't get you stoned until after a couple of joints it'd suddenly hit you and you'd be fully baked, but it would wear off quickly.