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  1. ruderalis88

    Bump If You're Baked!

    BUMP! oooooh yeeeeeeeaaaah
  2. ruderalis88


    so i had a small case of the munchies and i got to thinking how ace sandwiches are. they're amazing. there must be a lot of experience with strange combos on a site for tokers and growers so let's be having ya; what are the best sandwich fillings of all time? now there's nothing wrong with a...
  3. ruderalis88

    GLBT Section in Cannabis Cafe

    upnorth dude, being gay is just as cool as being straight but nobody's any more or less cool/special/retarded based just on their sexuality... there aren't special sections on riu which segregate men from women, different races, religions, nationalities etc etc so why segregate homosexuals...
  4. ruderalis88

    Bob Marley Shout Out

    biggest legend ever. dQIoypuPQgs
  5. ruderalis88

    Shit i gotta hit the bong

    i smoke joints on the toilet or in the bath regularly. it's good for you. that youtube clip is hilarious, the guy's face while he's shitting it out haha
  6. ruderalis88

    Boycott Starbucks!

    starbucks sucks! on the very rare occasion when i do drink their coffee, i drink it in store and then steal the mug. they do do good mugs.
  7. ruderalis88

    Too much bad info and opions instead of facts

    i agree, but this site is no different than the rest of the internet, or life in general. most people wouldn't know what 'fact' was if it violated their asshole, as that guy ^ said, it's up to each individual to decide what to take as fact or not :bigjoint:
  8. ruderalis88

    Murder wep: BIG FAT ASS

    haha yeah them chubby chasers confuse me too!
  9. ruderalis88

    Murder wep: BIG FAT ASS

    haha heffer nobody better mess with her again she'll fuck them up good post
  10. ruderalis88

    Hitlers view on the Mass. election

    well i dunno why but it won't embed for me. i like this one too: WkgidgQQHrE
  11. ruderalis88

    the women's code?

    a few suggestions for you, feel free to ignore those with which you disagree: 27. Friends should be there for friends. Unless one of the friends is bitching and moaning about something that was her own fault e.g. getting back together with the deadbeat after everyone told you he was a deadbeat...
  12. ruderalis88

    Gay or not?

    dude an LGBT forum on here would just get bombarded with abuse! i'm quite surprised there hasn't been more hate in this thread actually lol bigtit, i fully concur with all your chat. silkyshagsalot, bigtit is right. apart from one thing, homosexuality isn't a choice. neither is...
  13. ruderalis88

    Hew Fellow RIU Members.... Check out Whats up

    me too. who the fuck is tld?
  14. ruderalis88

    This Is Why You Dont Buy Weed Off The Street

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah the americans are definitely pioneers in intelligent thinking compared to the brits :neutral: anyway re:sprayed weed, could be worse, if we were all skag heads we'd be shooting up with anthrax anywhere north of the borders. long live home growing
  15. ruderalis88

    What is the purpose of government ?

    hahaha yeah and their duck-houses, moat cleanings, toilet seats for fatty prescott and that bitch jacqui smith's whole life practically. saucy minx. to answer the OP, "what the government is for" in my understanding is to make and enforce those rules deemed appropriate/necessary for the well...
  16. ruderalis88

    Hang over cures

    cures all known ailments, especially those which are hangover or comedown related.
  17. ruderalis88

    You got 2 wishes, Whats it Going to be?

    1 - endless supply of drugs (any drug or variety of drug i fancied, available as and when) 2 - endless supply of money not very imaginative, no, but with those two things i daresay i could gain anything else i want at this stage in my life
  18. ruderalis88

    Woomeister's Countdown To Xmas Thread.

    i can: hi, hello, ello, allo, g'day, bonj, hola etc. biodiesel eh? sound like a plan. you guys are getting a proper snow battering though, it's nowhere near as bad in my bit of the north, i wish good thaw to you!
  19. ruderalis88


    this isn't my opinion on the subject, but a friend of mine used to say we never really know true love. she'd say that the first guy she fell for, she was in love with him...then they split up and after a while she was "in love" with the next guy, and that put the first guy in...
  20. ruderalis88

    uk grower's

    i haven't seen a hedgehog since i was about 14. always feel a bit sorry for them round guy fawkes night, seems like a lot get toasted or at least evicted