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  1. leeny

    my 'what if' thread

    what if life were like the sitcoms? imagine the chaos that would ensue during the commercial breaks...
  2. leeny

    Whats the best show to watch while stoned

    I always get sucked into some history channel or discovry channel wierdo broadcast...
  3. leeny

    my 'what if' thread

    what if you could unpeel lighters like you could unpeel bananas?
  4. leeny

    I'm done! :mrgreen: & I got my congratulatory bongsmilie

    I'm done! :mrgreen: & I got my congratulatory bongsmilie
  5. leeny

    is 'pizza pizza' the name of a resturaunt? I'm confused... I thought you had pizza to eat and...

    is 'pizza pizza' the name of a resturaunt? I'm confused... I thought you had pizza to eat and you said it twice...
  6. leeny

    lol "pizzapizza"... it is hot, i think my air's broken... I'm doing the latenight thing to try...

    lol "pizzapizza"... it is hot, i think my air's broken... I'm doing the latenight thing to try and type some emails.... not getting very far with my lovely procrastination skills :D
  7. leeny

    my 'what if' thread

    what if everyday were a good day.. like ice cubes song... I always come up with a ton of "what if" senerios when I'm high, so now I/we can post them here.:-P EDIT: I really didn't want rules on here but, this is not the "ask the person below you anything" thread, this is a 'what if'...
  8. leeny


    oh yeah.. and I'm 19, used to grow for the experience and a treat for myself... I just pretend that what im doing IS legal and it's worked for me for the past couple years... quote: "handle him!" haha down kitty!!
  9. leeny


    I'll get the popcorn! :clap:
  10. leeny

    Male seeking insight into the mysterious world of the female mind

    lmao, that's what topanga wanted to do on the REALLY old episodes of 'Boy Meets World' love it!!
  11. leeny

    Is it just me or. . .?

    I can't grow anymore either, and it's nice to just chat it up, most people on here, I've noticed, are quick to correct ANY opinion/mistake/comment... :wall: it's rediculous, the cannabis community is supposed to be accepting of all walks, and openminded, and chill... flippant? it's worthless...
  12. leeny

    Male seeking insight into the mysterious world of the female mind

    well.. men rule the world men love pussy and women control the pussy now women control the world... hehe
  13. leeny

    Male seeking insight into the mysterious world of the female mind

    we are all fucking crazy, and we cant get away from it... I realized this a few mo. back when I spent all day with my biological mother then stayed up all night with my step-mother.... holy moley... one day I will be just like them... i'm transforming alreeady!!! AHHHHHH!!! someone help! I'm...
  14. leeny

    haha an ounce to "test it out" ? generous uncle! too bad nobody in my family grows... I'd be set!

    haha an ounce to "test it out" ? generous uncle! too bad nobody in my family grows... I'd be set!
  15. leeny

    mostly tokin it up with a few friends.... had to look for a job lol no money doesn't last very...

    mostly tokin it up with a few friends.... had to look for a job lol no money doesn't last very long... :D
  16. leeny

    yo, whats new??

    yo, whats new??
  17. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    lol first time I got high was at school, so I walk in late and everyone trips out... thewy had all gone to get baked before class too.. and we were all part of diff crowds, kinda funny.... that's when I realized that pretty much EVERYONE smokes, or has, or will, or wants to.. :D
  18. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    hello ladies, looks like it's finally a "chick" thread, whats new XX?
  19. leeny

    My Stoner Fastpack

    thats nice man! its better than what I used to use... 3 purses, 1 for weed/cigs/1pipe/lighter, another for more pipes/grinder/papers/roaches or more lighters, lol and the last purse carried these two purses and the "normal" purse stuff.... my jeep might as well have been my 'home on wheels'
  20. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    vodka and jack will get crazy that's for sure...