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  1. Dominathan

    Ohio Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2011

    Ohio is the place man! I'm in the Cleveland area, and I already have all 28 of my girls outside. Why not move yours outside now too? I mean, it hasn't been HORRIBLE as far as rain goes. It's been on and off, which is certainly better than on and on. :D I have 10 Iranian Autoflowers and 18...
  2. Dominathan

    How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

    Fuck! I received an infraction for this post.
  3. Dominathan

    What do you listen to when you smoke???
  4. Dominathan

    CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya

    I like it! If you can find a better way to hang your cfls, you should. So little light is emitted from the "top" of the bulb that you're wasting all the strong light!
  5. Dominathan

    How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

    As sad as the truth is, growing isn't for everyone.
  6. Dominathan

    I'm Cuming Up to the End

    I have some plants that are at week 7 right now, and I just want to eat them! The Kandy Kush especially looks like a little factory for trichomes.
  7. Dominathan

    This Has Happened Twice!

    If you only read one post, make sure it's this one.
  8. Dominathan

    Day 15 from seed, how does my girl look

    I like her a lot! She looks lonely though! If you have more seeds, I'd germinate one or two now! As a rule of thumb, you never wanna just grow one plant. Something could happen to her!
  9. Dominathan

    Potting Soil Forum. Comment!

    Coco peat is a completely different medium, it's not a brand. On a side note though, I use Fox Fox's OF. It just makes sense for me, and it delivers great results. I have a local shop that I can get it for 17.50 a bag. I have used Miracle-Gro Organic choice though. It wasn't horrible...
  10. Dominathan

    Making Money

    If you live somewhere where it's prohibited, there's some major money in trafficking. I know a guy who get's a lb from Cali every week, and sells it for twice as much around here.
  11. Dominathan

    What do you listen to when you smoke???

    I think I'd rather hear the nagging wife, lol.
  12. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Have you started your plants indoors at all?
  13. Dominathan

    One Thing I'll Miss When Easter's Gone.

    I always order unsalted fries, so that they have to make them piping hot. Then I just add my own salt. :D
  14. Dominathan

    Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?

    I like girls that smoke as much as me (or at least try to keep up), and drink as little as I do (MAYBE twice a year).
  15. Dominathan

    New to this

    That first plant looked like it's not getting enough Nitrogen man!
  16. Dominathan

    Any Morels?

    I'm in the midwest too, and this rain is gonna wreak havoc on my little bitches outdoors. :(
  17. Dominathan

    Seedling Stems

    You da grump mayne. Getting an attitude with a dude for trying to help you. Shit son.
  18. Dominathan

    Running her mouth

    Give a friend your setup, and tell them you want half the yield. Then get things right at home. Drop that bitch. Growing in an adjacent or separate building than your home is never smart.
  19. Dominathan

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    This is fucking hilarious.
  20. Dominathan

    Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day

    Wussup on those percs?