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  1. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    thanks guys i will up some more pics 2moz the buds r really starting 2 get big now
  2. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    and here as promised more pics let me know what u think
  3. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    thanx man lol i will add more pic in the morning
  4. jaybee007

    HELP! one month flowering the plant seem to be dying quick!!

    yeah i woould go with heat 2 but god damn ur temps must have been sky high 2 get results like that its sorry sight sorry dude dont let it get u down good luck 4 next time
  5. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    ohhh yeah and nutes im just using canna veg a+b and flores a+b but whaen i vegg i keep my ec @ 1.80 and take it up 2 2.0 when i flower
  6. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    thanks 4 the input bro i only vegged 4 around 2 weeks they were 10" tall now they're around 28" and ita day 30 2 b honest the big bang is 1 of the best yielding plants ive grown and ive grown a few now the temp in my room went up 2 104f the other day and no sign of heat stress much 2 my...
  7. jaybee007

    Plants Dying Again - Urgent - Please Help Me

    he means u gave them 2 much epsom salt i had the same problem but i only put 3 teaspoons in a 90ltr tank and that worked perfectly i think u may need 2 flush also im afraid
  8. jaybee007

    yellow with nicrosis brown spots..plz help

    did it start with spots ? is it spreading ? if so up or down i had a mag diff problem that did look like that but it started by spotting on the lower leaves and spread up the plant
  9. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    any1 else have anything 2 add lol
  10. jaybee007

    plant problems please help!

    how cold is the air ur bringing in2 the room ? and where and how fast is ur fans by where i mean how close 2 the plants r they coz i had my fan 2 close 2 the plants and the air was 2 cold and it killed them it looked just like urs ? ? also i agree with what was said about ghe nutes i used 2...
  11. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    i have a 400w hps and a 400w mh this give me a fuller spectrum of light ive got 3x 1m tray 4 rockwool slab which is on a drip system 21 plants and also a 5 foot nft but ive got 2 plants in there i had some issues with my clones lol 4 vegg i use 2 double strip lights 58w tubes and i have 2...
  12. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    no funny enuff lol i was expecting some aswell ive heard mould can b an issue but everythings been fine ive had 2 bend a few leaves 2 let some light thru but thats it really
  13. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    still no post god damn lol why no comments guys ? i was wondering if any1 else was growing plants this close to eachother ? ?
  14. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    ok so here we r @ day 21 everything seems 2 b going well the canopy looks nice and thick and the pre flowers r now turning 2 bud :lol: any input welcome tell me what u think
  15. jaybee007

    1st grow, need help

    yeah man u gotta wait ive had a lemon skunk seed take 10 days b4 i saw anything coming out of the rockwool
  16. jaybee007

    The UK Growers Thread!

    uk all day baby lol
  17. jaybee007

    can i reveg a plant from flowering stage+respect

    the answer 2 ur question is yes u can just go back 2 giving them 24 hours of light they will take awhile 2 revegg tho but my question 2 u is how do u propose 2 get that high a yield ? u would have 2 vegg the plants 4 months or use afew kws of hps light 2 achieve 5/7ozs from 1 plant
  18. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    well 2day i had 2 pull the biggest plant in this pic as turned hermmie on me grrrrrrr
  19. jaybee007

    Clone in trouble, mother in flower, what to do?

    what u need 2 do is cilck on my signature and download the file called cannibus videos and all the info u need should b in there and then i would get some rockwool and clone like fuck my friend but b warned dont download the whole torrent as i think its about 32 gb u only need the...
  20. jaybee007

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    thanx man im gonna grow um 4 awhile yet they're mothers so im just letting them grow lol im gonna flower under 4oow hps+400w mh this will give me a fuller spectrum of light i will keep u posted