it does look like a plant that i had that had mag diff
but i think u over did it on epsom salt
how much did u give it ?
i put 2 t spoons in a 90 ltr tank and that worked fine
its loking much better now tho
hopefully the flush sorted it 4 u
good luck
oh also i think ur ph should b @ 7.0 4...
im not sure what ur asking lol
but if ive got it right its better
2 use both 2700k and 6400k
as this would give u a fuller spectrum of light
but ur gonna need alot more 2700k than 6400k
hope this helps good luck
in the 1st 2 pics we have northen lights
and in the other 2 we have
frisian dew lst'ed
theyve both been vegged 4 about 5 weeks
under 1x110w fluro strip light
1x 150w cfl blue 6400k
the best thing u can do is click on my signature
download the folder called cannibus videos
they should give u all the info u need
beware dont download the whole torrent coz its 20 or 30 gb
only take the cannibus videos folder good luck
thanks 4 the rep dude glad i could help
im just wondering is light getting in2 ur res ?
i mean is algy growing in there ?
if so ur gonna need 2 cover it up
hey guys heres my grow
big bang and northen lights
and im gonna add a few lemon skunk
when eventually they root if ever lol
im using 400w hps + 400w mh 2 flower
as this gives me a fuller spectrum of light
the plants have been flowered 4 13 days
let me know what u think :bigjoint:
i will...