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  1. max316420

    Wtf ...

    Only reason I am sure this could happen is when i installed a new ac, there was a beam of light leaking in from outside, wasn't much so I just blew it off and I'm sitting here wonderin what and the hell was goin on with my ladies, they looked the exact same as his and I had never experienced...
  2. max316420

    Wtf ...

    not saying its gonna revert but could fuck with the flowering
  3. max316420

    Wtf ...

    I couldn't find the article online so I'm just gonna type it out from my magazine word for word: hightimes june 2005 featuring the game on cover.. Jorge's RX Light at Night Can the dark side of a 12 hour on/12 off light cycle be disturbed? Can i turn on a fluorescent light? Dear Rodsky...
  4. max316420

    Wtf ...

    BULLSHIT.... very low wattage can fuck with your ladies.. As low as a 25-40 watts of light can stop flowering, even if just for brief period of time
  5. max316420

    Is my plant vegging normal?

    Is that it in your avatar?
  6. max316420

    Is my plant vegging normal?

    What type of light are you using and how far away from the plants is it?
  7. max316420

    top leaves twisting

    what do you mean "retard roots"?
  8. max316420

    top leaves twisting

    Can't you order calmag online?
  9. max316420

    top leaves twisting

    ok 2 more questions... The ph your referring to is your soils ph or your nute solution goin in? How are you measuring your ph?
  10. max316420

    Wtf ...

    Is that one real close to the light? I see some heat issues with some of your fan leaves, see how the edges are pointed upwards? That usually indicates that your lady is getting too hot, I didn't notice that when I first looked but a plant that is "too hot" can also do what your lady is doing.
  11. max316420

    dumbass noobie question:

    naw your good homie.... I would use them, better to be safe then sorry
  12. max316420

    top leaves twisting

    and IMO its not a calmag issue and just make sure to go easy on it cause I have found in veg that adding too much calmag can do more harm then help
  13. max316420

    top leaves twisting

    if it's happening to both strains then you can rule out genetics... If anything i would say its a heat issue, but other than that they don't look bad at all.. Newer growth sometimes does this.
  14. max316420

    yellowing leaves. some brown spots

    If not corrected then all of the bigger fan leaves will start to do this, then it will work its way to the smaller bud leaves and eventually growth will come to a stand still... Calmag should help, and I would get some ASAP because by time the plant shows signs of it the def has a pretty good...
  15. max316420

    yellowing leaves. some brown spots

    Beginning of a magnesium def
  16. max316420

    Wtf ...

    To be honest looks like your dark period is getting fucked with... Even the smallest amount of light in flowering can fuck with them and cause problems.. Go into your room and make sure it's completely dark when lights are off, check timers, and anything you can think of.. Even reflections from...
  17. max316420

    Wtf ...

    Do you have any light leaks?
  18. max316420

    BCNL boxes for growing

    Only problem i see with them is their price and if you have made it thru 3 crops with it then you must be doing something right.. Are you having problems?
  19. max316420

    Is my plant vegging normal?

    and to OP, get some pics posted when possible... MJ plants can grow up to 4 inches per day, so there is a possibility that there is a problem..
  20. max316420

    Is my plant vegging normal?

    no dude your plant should be over 4 inches at 30 days...