a plant that hermi's tends to produce seeds that hermi.. Unless you caused it to hermi by stress, light leak, fucking up the light cycly or something along the sort
Get your lights closer, stake it up with a small stick and get a small fan to blow a real lite breeze on it to strengthen up the stem and you'll be gravy
calmag.... mostly calcium, If you flush it will get worse. Feed calmag and some time and she will recover. RO water is so pure that it always has to be supplemented with calmag, especially if your ladies love it.. Which alot of strains do.
Have you fed them anything yet? I think that's your problem.. Can you post a pic of your whole plant? And just remember every leaf on your ladies isn't gonna be perfect
1 cup per 1 cubic foot of soil. I would use the pellets because most likely you won't have any ph or calmag issues in veg and with the pellets, they take some time to start to break down thus lasting longer.. Good luck bro
Just make sure to back your lights off a tad after spraying and go lite on the foliar feeding or there is a possibility of burning them.. Glad to see things are shaping up..