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  1. mr.smileyface

    2000w HPS Purple Kush Scrog Medical Grow#2

    "Bigger" isnt better. Mh produces fluffyer buds. I always notice the hps produces dense rockhard buds. Maybe it was just the lighting but some say the Mh makes them more thc'd I use the MH untill week 4 then switch to the hps till end all 60 days of my pk
  2. mr.smileyface

    Upstate from BC Seeds - Has anyone grown it?

    bcseedkings is better. bc bud depot is the best. dont you think they would have one a cup by now? im sure they are new but still come on now. Where were they last year? im sure there super strains would have one every cup. If there was any super strains. look at the grow journals on here about...
  3. mr.smileyface

    burr its cold

    no one has problems with temp flucuations?
  4. mr.smileyface

    burr its cold

    yea since my central heating isnt working, it is very cold. Pissing me off for the extra cost in power. The dehum does give off heat but not enough. This wont be a problem in a month or two when the temps go up outside. buts its about 8 outside right now and probly lower than 15 in my room
  5. mr.smileyface

    burr its cold

    Hey, i have a question. The question is, how do you regulate proper temps in a cold climate? I have an 8 inch vortex running on a dimmer switch. I also have a heater in my room that turns on when the lights go off. Now here is my problem. The vortex doesnt shut off. Its filterd before leaving...
  6. mr.smileyface

    5 gallon pot start to end

    start in one gallon pots. once you figure out the sex of the plant move to a 5 gallon. This is why i only deal with clones, unless i need a new strain
  7. mr.smileyface

    Willow Tea: Have *you* tried it?

    Use the willow water to replace your current water. Dont use it to "root" the clones. Use a gel.
  8. mr.smileyface

    Does prolonged exposure to cold diminish THC levels?

    Heat speeds up chemical activity Simple example. AN ice cube will melt at 5c in minutes. Now at 50c it would take seconds.
  9. mr.smileyface

    Cutting fan leaves

    I ditched plucking and pruning. I just added more fans and switched my setup to a stadium style. Before you think you have a "green thumb" Try to fix the other things first. Temps and RH%. Upgrade to the better mylar? add more light as they get bigger? Try the other things to increase yeild...
  10. mr.smileyface

    how to use bushmaster by humboldt

    More light per watt at one foot away. 1000hps= 140000 lumens 600hps= 90,000lumens Now two for the price of one = 200 more watts but with the added 40,000extra lumen. With the 600s i can bring the plants closer to the bulbs. ANd have yes have more spread
  11. mr.smileyface

    how to use bushmaster by humboldt

    ok search up 'Northern Grower" on google. I copyed him. I have a V garden. I veg for 1 week to build a rootsystem. I use both sides of the light bulb to get gram per watt + Im not familyar with that strain.
  12. mr.smileyface

    10 x 15 Stealth Attic Growroom.

    While i have people screaming for my packs. I still have no idea what you are saying. Is that some new wave street trash lingo child? Most people I know have grams, eights, quarters, ounces, kilos, pounds etc not packs. I have never even heard of a pack of bud. What country are you from child...
  13. mr.smileyface

    10 x 15 Stealth Attic Growroom.

    Ok where is your book?? Your are going against facts here fatty. "Passive System rely on capillary action to transfer the nutrient solution from the reservoir to the growing MEDIUM. "Hydroponics is the Science:dunce: of growing plants with-out soil, most often in a soilless mix. IN FACT, many...
  14. mr.smileyface

    What's the difference between these 6" inline fans?

    bad deal. I get those for half of what you just payed. Oh for cooltubes.... Keep your ducting short!
  15. mr.smileyface

    What's the difference between these 6" inline fans?

    Get an 8 Inch just incase heat might be a problem? Easyer to pull air threw a charcoal filter. Get the motor for an extra 20$ 8 inch in good for a 10x10x8 room(1.2 minutes to clear the room). 6 is good enough for 8x8x8
  16. mr.smileyface

    What's the difference between these 6" inline fans?

    Can fan plus the filter is good. here in vancouver vietmiense people have grow store and hook up deals. i paid 240 for my 12" can fan. Get the new 6 inch can fan. I think there are 140 bucks or something. Go buy a used 8 inch for a hundred bucks. a good Carbon filter will cost you about 200-300...
  17. mr.smileyface

    What's the difference between these 6" inline fans?

    CAN FAN 12" =1700 compared to the vortex 12"=1100 Get a fan speed controller. The big ducting moves much more air even at the same RPM of the 6. There will be alot less noise when the fan is run on low
  18. mr.smileyface

    10 x 15 Stealth Attic Growroom.

    WHats dirt? I was talking about soilLESS. You know.. Passive HYDROPONICS. Your not so smart. ANd when im running a drip system on a V garden. That is hydroponics right? When im feeding hydroponics nutes. Its not a myth that plants need water before cutting them. ITS COMMON SENSE. No facts need...
  19. mr.smileyface

    Widest leaves ever!!

    my pk are three times wider than that. Those are some sort of afganica. The leafs have nothing to do with humidity other than the moister they transpire. Its more the strain.
  20. mr.smileyface

    Multi Cloning from one plant?

    Dont clone to soon. I wait until mine are big and strong. Take my clones and let her revive with superthrive for a month and then take more . Dnt take clones from the first nodes. Take them from the second nodes. Wait untill the branches start growing them.