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  1. backyardagain

    Grow in an old Computer desk cabinet thing.

    dude that kind of that im going with like a wardrobe closet but im trying to find one where i can have a small veg on the top or bottom to have some what of a perpetual going,
  2. backyardagain

    New Computer Build

    im going to try and throw together some parts post em on here and could you let me know if they are all compatible? and i might just start playing on my laptop till i can get a better tower.
  3. backyardagain

    The broadest leaved strain that you have grown?

    1 month in and both whitewidowxbigbud by female seeds and kalaskinova by green house seeds both have huge leaves under a 135 w led. just threw em under a 600wmh for 2 weeks to get em a bit more growth ill get a pic up in a few hours.
  4. backyardagain

    New Computer Build

    heres a couple prebuilt ones i was looking at
  5. backyardagain

    New Computer Build

    laptop i got rightnow is a toshiba satellite p855 s312 with Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2501 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) 2 physical dual cores. with a intel hd 4000 graphics card. defiantly not going to run to well on here. ive been checking out newegg and...
  6. backyardagain

    New Computer Build

    my gawd. im about to build one also about how much is this set up going to cost you. im fairly new to building but ive done some modding on preexisting setups. looking to run skyrim/obvilion and a few other games. any suggestions for about a 500-600 setup.
  7. backyardagain

    Matt Rize's Notes to Makin' Perfect Ice Wax.

    will be doing a batch by hand tomorrow. will have so,e pics up also. and thanks for taking the time to put alot of the info in one spot so you dont have to skim threw all the posts to find information, props. this will be my ;ast time with 1 gal bags as next round i will have more trim to work with.
  8. backyardagain

    Grow Box

    very nice setup man, im about to make my own room around a 150w hps with maybe another 100w of cfls for side lighting and a cfl veg chamber right next to it also. im looking at like a 5x4x6 going with a lst/scrog also. will start building soon. subed and staying tuned. once i have all materials...
  9. backyardagain

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    looking for a machine and found one on amazon and was wondering if anyone here has tried it or uses it with success heres the link with both the machine and a set of bags that come with it...
  10. backyardagain

    BarneyFarms Critical Kush Help Please

    have it going now. got her off a freebee and just cloned the hell outta her. very nice bud structure and high, good trich formation and just dont push the nute to hard. keep her at like 50 to 75% recommended on bottle. i have been using promix bx/happy frog 50/50 and for nutes i use general...
  11. backyardagain

    Costco employees who smoke herb please help me out!

    lol got a cousin that works there. she says most likely it will be mouth swab but if for some reason you dont pass that then then they send you to a facility to get tested. just dont smoke that day and brush your teeth and whole mouth real good. and use mouth wash you should be fine.
  12. backyardagain

    make a new thread

    still not working..
  13. backyardagain

    Best way to clean a glass pipe?

    grunge off, best 20 dollars you will spend and its reusable to a degree, just make sure to strain it. been 5 washes with my bottle so far and still smells like citrus. guy at my local headshop said you could get about 10 uses till you would want to get a new one or till it starts to smell funny...
  14. backyardagain

    make a new thread

    Hey, thanks for the quick answer sunni, I was just wondering if it was just for me or it happening to everyone but since you all ready know the issue and that's great.
  15. backyardagain

    make a new thread

    and it does not show up under the recent started threads for me, Is it because I might have the maxed out number of threads? very annoying going to the thread and looking for it when it always popped up under latest started threads. beena few days now and still none of my recent ones have popped up.
  16. backyardagain

    What woud you

    do if you have a extra room that measure 8x9? looking to set up a small veg with a mid sized flower with a little storage left over. how would you go about it.
  17. backyardagain

    My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

    Np mate, when my move comes at the end of the year I plan on using the dual 150s as a flower tent for a side breeding project just throw like 2 females in there with a male. basically a pollen tent.
  18. backyardagain

    My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

    You basically have my planned setup for when I move. been skimming through it and very nice. I started with one 150 then got another and led and then moved to 600 but still use the 150s. Very good lights for the money.
  19. backyardagain

    Greenhouse Seeds, 0 for 5

    sorry to hear that man, I just popped a few Kalashnikova and they all popped. I was about to pick up a random pack next order for the hell of it. what one did you get like the indca one or stativa one or the mixed?
  20. backyardagain

    For tent users...You're what?

    just spray it down with some bleach/water and dry it obviously before you put it away, as for the carbon fiter you should be fine I have a few old ones laying around and they don't smel.