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  1. backyardagain


    well I lived lmao. and I looked under a 60-100x scope and still seen a decent amount of trichs, when I did the bho run it was chopped with scissors then after that I took it out and let it sit out a few days then ground it up. it had a mad earthy taste tho. I add to add some of the bho from it...
  2. backyardagain


    welp fuckit ill give it a try. if yall don't hear from me I died. lmao.
  3. backyardagain


    did a run a few days ago and then emptied the baster and let the weed sit out, now is it completely garbage or can I still smoke it? still smells like bud and all but don't know if it would be safe too,
  4. backyardagain

    Jan. Attitude Orders.

    ordered jan 5, was in states on the 11, in isc Chicago, at my door on the 16, and already popped 2 of them. best of luck to ya. out of my three orders all have arrived on time and in one piece. when you said it was in your town and not in your mail box that happened to me too, but the maillady...
  5. backyardagain

    Led to Hps?

    I have a passive air intake with the exhaust, temps in tent rarely get above 85, the room its in doesn't get above 70 I have yet to have a heat issue in this new spot for the past year.
  6. backyardagain

    Led to Hps?

    I got it as a air cooled hood pullin air from inside the room through the hood out to the exhaust fan and filter, in the room its in the temp never gets higher then 86 lights on in the summerwith no ac and full power.
  7. backyardagain

    Led to Hps?

    well I will have it as a perpetual so the light will be at its highest spot where it still is effective to both the most mature and then ones that were just put in there, I just didn't know if that would be to much of a shock for it, but thankyou.
  8. backyardagain

    Led to Hps?

    I would be starting seedlings and having clones in there and veg for maybe 3-4 weeks. basically its a 135w led and it would be going to a 600w hps. My guess is that it would be to much of shock for them, I also have a few 150 hps setups. I could always do 1 135 and 1 150 or just 2 150w hps but...
  9. backyardagain

    NHL Lockout is Over

    to bad I work all day tomorrow... dvr is gonna be on overdrive.
  10. backyardagain


    Thanks Doc, The way things are looking it wont be till around the end of summer. going to go start to look at houses with in the next month or so,
  11. backyardagain

    BHO question

    yeah I got the vector x5 refine, headshop was trying to push a 7x refined but idk what it name was. just went with vector since that's what I have been reading. and got the turkey baster with 2 coffee filters and a clamp. did that then let all the butane vape out, whipped in dish then I spread...
  12. backyardagain

    BlimBrun seeds

    not sure but I got two from the promo. gave em to a buddy it was like a mango and Tijuana or something.. but he wants to pop em right away,
  13. backyardagain


    Thanks, I just don't want to get back on pills again due to the fact that I have had previous problems with them and abusing them, and yes I can admit I was once a pillhead. I barley take any pills now if marijuana cant solve it then I just smoke till I sleep and that always seems to help.
  14. backyardagain

    BHO question

    honey bee extractor already made go to buy no? who has used it and is it usefull or just a gimmick
  15. backyardagain


    its not that my doctor didn't know what it was, I was apprehensive on taking anytype of pills. advill and ibuprofen stuff like that onlys lasts at best an hour or so, as to getting the id I will be going down in the next month looking at a few spots in flint and grandrapids, and maybe a few...
  16. backyardagain


    So this past few months I have had really bad headaches to the point I have to lay down in a dark room in a quite place, none of my doctors don't know what the problem is and cant find one only relief I can find is when I can smoke, but if I cant catch it fast enough even that can only help to a...
  17. backyardagain

    Greenhouse Seed Co. All New Color-Coated Seed Mixes

    well atleast I split it with a buddy, illsee if he just wants to buy them all off me and ill take all the freebees or something.
  18. backyardagain

    Greenhouse Seed Co. All New Color-Coated Seed Mixes

    fuck I just got a pack of the docor and kalashnikova. hopefully they don't vet fucked up, but they are not colored either. hopefullyhey all work.
  19. backyardagain

    ICS Chicago

    out of the 4 ive had none of them have been sent to chi till now, I guess its no big deal but reading what people have said about getting snagged in chi, it says processed and all so I will know more in the next few days. im just trippin, smoke more and relax I just want to get my perpetual up...
  20. backyardagain

    ICS Chicago

    it got there 906am on the 11, says processed through sort facility so I should be expecting it sometime mid next week. still a few more states to go.