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  1. wallycork

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Started my grow work today. 7 x 60litre bags of soil, 25kg of stone for drainange, 40 or 50 litres of perlite and vermiculite, 10 x 50l pots, sheares, shovel, coconut husk, fish bone, potash, bat guana, blood meal and lime. Im BAIT OUT from carrying it and have the thorns and strap marks from...
  2. wallycork

    Quantily of supplements for outdoor soil?

    Hi guys i post this in "organics" but i was wondering could any of you outdoor growers lend a hand, Peace
  3. wallycork

    Feminized Seeds do they work??

    Ya ive gone through about 5-6 packs of fem seeds and all were female except for MK-Ultra, some healthy male though:cuss:
  4. wallycork

    Quanity of supplements to add?

    Im making my own soil and i plan and mixing it tomorrow and putting my plants in it 3 weeks later (this is an outdoor guerilla grow, in Ireland, just thought id say) I have 60l Westland Organic soil bags with perlite and vericulite to add. Ive gotten garden lime, sulpahate + potash and fish...
  5. wallycork

    Organic MG

    Thanks alot blakkmask, some useful info there. Nice plants too man. Im gonna get the mg organic. Im using pots outdoors, will I use the potting soil for it?. Well jesus of cannabis im growing in Ireland so fox farm is out. I use plagron all mix for my indoor and works well but it would cost me...
  6. wallycork

    Organic MG

    Just wondering if anybody has used miracle gro organic. I cannot afford to get my regular plagron all mix for my outdoor grow so was hoping this would be an option that would work. THans
  7. wallycork

    Which soil shoud i use (urgent, have to buy tomorrow

    Will you send me on his number or mail it to me. Im thinkin this tomato one
  8. wallycork

    Which soil shoud i use (urgent, have to buy tomorrow

    Hi guys, im living in Ireland and doing my first outdoor grow. I want to grow in 50l pots, but these are the soils available to me. I cannot afford to pay 20e a bag for plagron so these are the alternatives. I need to get cracking on my outdoor so I have to have chosen by tomorrow...
  9. wallycork

    Which of these soils would you use? (urgent)

    I want to grow in 50l pots, but these are the soils available to me. I cannot afford to pay 20e a bag for plagron so these are the alternatives. I need to get cracing on my outdoor so I have to have chosen by tomorrow...
  10. wallycork

    Pot size for outdoors

    The pots size is only applicable with the amount of good soil i can get. The place itself is very overgrow but i am considering getting this soil for tomatoes and digging it into the groung. Anybody ever use this or know anything about it...
  11. wallycork

    Pot size for outdoors

    So getting my stuff ready for next month. Im growing in Ireland and will be growing in pots as the soil where my plants will be is crap. Problem is that a 50l bag of plagron all mix is 20euro. I wanna put out about 20 plants but cant afford to give each plant a 50l bag. What size pots do you...
  12. wallycork

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Is that an armidallo?? Im looking for a macro lens for my Canon EOS 500d. Mainly for taking bud shots but ill probaly use it for portraits aswell. I was thinking of but any suggestions are welcome. Peace
  13. wallycork

    Chocolope strain

    That sounds unreal. Im def getting some. 2 of my fav breeders
  14. wallycork

    Chocolope strain

    That sounds u unreal. Im def getting some. 2 of my fav breeders
  15. wallycork

    Street Prices of Opium

    120 - 150 a gram black tar. Thats fukd. Here in 10 - 15 euro. Still, if it was free i wouldnt touch it
  16. wallycork

    Can you read?

    Well said, people do see things in books and treat it lke the word of god. Some people have to realise were the gods of our plants and when you have the real basics down its about responding to the plants and know waht they need from experience rather than getting knowledge 100% from a book...
  17. wallycork

    cloning question...

    Well said...
  18. wallycork

    how to add moisture to my budz

    You can put a few leaves from your plant in with your buds and they will absorb some of the mosture, bring your buds back to the way they should be. Just check on them frequently so they dont get too wet. If you dont have leaves you can use lettuce
  19. wallycork

    Can you read?

    Y cervantes bible is sick, well worht the money. "Dank" by subcool is a great coffe book table though. Alot of info and great pics on his strains and breeding. "Organic marjiuana" by soma is also really good "D.J Shorts guide to growing execptional marjiuana" is also pretty good. Especially...