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  1. T

    right wing news

    You're just jealous.
  2. T

    right wing news

    Blacks were valuable at that time. They weren't killed for no reason. Too bad they're not valuable anymore. They know it too. They have to run around trying to convince people that their lives matter. To whom?
  3. T

    HuffPo Turns On Obama: He Presided Over The "Destruction Of The Democratic Party"

    So? She lost. Votes from illegal aliens in California don't count. Actually none of our votes count. Only the electors count. So yeah, she lost.
  4. T

    Trumps stupid statement of the day

    Almost exclusively? Haha. Blacks kill a significant portion of whites that are murdered. The same can't be said for whites killing blacks.
  5. T

    Trumps stupid statement of the day

    When you're talking about some numbers percentage is a poor choice to compare. If the fat girl was losing weight, and she lost 10 pounds, and a not so fat girl lost 5, proportional to her body weight the thick girl lost more. Made more progress to her goal. The 300 pound girl can still say...
  6. T

    The Democratic Divide

    You claim to hate money in politics yet you favor policies that encourage those with money to become involved in politics. We had a very weak federal government in the beginning. If we still had that today there woukd be no need for those with money to throw money at it. Look someone...
  7. T

    The Democratic Divide

    Dude, that may be true, but where you're wrong is that you are equally a sheep and not capable of the critical thought required to achieve your goals. You operate on your feelings of what ought to be. Feelings are rational. And facts aren't subject to opinion. You support Sanders for things...
  8. T

    Trumps stupid statement of the day

    His numbers were off but his point is still valid. It's like someone called a girl fat and says she weights 300 pounds, and you say ahahaha that girl is just 250. Well she is still a fat bitch. Black's still murder way out of proportion to their numbers. And of blacks that are killed most...
  9. T

    right wing news

    How can you see that and claim were all equal? When was the last time you heard of a group of white men savagely killing a defenseless black person for their valuables? It doesn't happen. Were not equal. It's self evident.
  10. T

    right wing news

    So you don't even deny not having a life.
  11. T

    HuffPo Turns On Obama: He Presided Over The "Destruction Of The Democratic Party"

    Please define greed for us, as it is important to define terms and that seems to be used ambiguously in your note above. Bernie Sanders did no such thing. Bernie Sanders captivated the snow flakes and was able to make a strong show against the weakest candidate in presidential recent history...
  12. T

    Gingrich Says Trump's No Longer Interested In 'Drain The Swamp'

    All thry're talking about is no longer using that particular phrase. No change in policy discussed.
  13. T

    Media Clueless about Trump Administration...

    The resort to a defeated argument. Highlighting gramatival errors. It is the ultimate tiny penis gesture. "Well yeah, I pay more attention to how I type every detail" Well good for you, but you still have a tiny penis
  14. T

    Thanks Trump!

    The market has responded very positively to Trumps election. That is literally what everyone attributed the recent spike to because it started the morning after the election. Special kind of dumbass here.
  15. T

    Media Clueless about Trump Administration...

    How stupid a statement is that? Just goes to show how out of step California is with the rest of the USA. But the massive swing in one state should not have such an impact on the election. Electorial college at work. Not to mention it's possible without the votes of illegal immigrants Clinton...
  16. T

    Thanks Trump!

    People who like America and don't want it overrun with third world refuges
  17. T

    Thanks Trump!

    I want to take a moment, ignore the irony, and point out that Obama failed everyone who voted for him. Trump has already rolled up his sleves and saved jobs. The entire left wing media predicted economic doom and gloom. The economy under trump will be on steroids. The Dow is already higher...
  18. T

    Media Clueless about Trump Administration...

    Trump carried educated voters also. He carried college educated women for crying out loud. Instead of being butthurt and oppositional from day one, what do you have to lose by sitting back and waiting for the good of bad to come?
  19. T

    Thanks Trump!

    My side won. America is tired of being told Bullshit you believe. You need help.
  20. T

    Thanks Trump!

    A taddle tale, taddler, taddling. Being a snitch in other words. You literally have nothing better to do than stay in this forum all day in case I post something so you can talk about fucking a dog? I pitty you.