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  1. Tenner

    stoners and growing just pot

    Its hard to grow stuff when your in university. Too much fun to be had :fire: I also love Kratom and take it far in apart. Great downer from nights out, also great to chill out... Also great to study with too. Its stimulating as much as its sedating on low doses. Its fucking perfect. I`ve eaten...
  2. Tenner

    is this about zombies

    Some hardcore drugs have to be involved in the history of this incident... lol
  3. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    with rambo knife
  4. Tenner

    linear equations

    I`ll give this a go. I was having trouble with maths a while back and I know what its like. You will always have a Y axis and an X axis. Y is the dependant variable, X is the independant variable. That means you control the value of X (from minus infinity to plus infinity) and sketch Y...
  5. Tenner

    linear equations

    Thats dead easy! Good luck solving it though, weren`t you the guy who was supporting the killings in gaza by claiming jewish people were promised land by god... lmao
  6. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    for a wank
  7. Tenner

    Whats with all the trolling as of lately ?

    What about if.... In the usual case that one fails lol
  8. Tenner

    Whats with all the trolling as of lately ?

    At the end of the day when you talk to someone you have two options either be nice or be a dick. Certain things make the act of being a dick easier... Like car horns, mobile phones, keyboards... But your still a dick unfortunately :)
  9. Tenner

    Do you hate it when people ask to see your plants?

    Its true its amazing like there is absolutely NO POINT in telling someone that your growing, no matter how close they are to you. Only important thing is the bud that you will all smoke! Some people wanna know just to say they are smoking their buddies homegrown dank as dank weed, and thats not...
  10. Tenner

    Whats with all the trolling as of lately ?

    Its one of the new trends of the internet and people just follow it. I used to do it in online games before I even knew what trolling was, also in places like MiRC & MSN. Now theres a word for it and about 99999999 memes it just gets people on board... After a while it gets pretty boring and...
  11. Tenner

    michael phelps apologizes to the nation...

    Meatball marinara tasted alright... :)
  12. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    as he marched
  13. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    said the dwarf
  14. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    through health costs
  15. Tenner

    taking meds and smoke

    Thats expecting a bit much off a herb... It does help with ADD if you use your time, mind and attention right but thats just MO. Also strain and dose dependant. But hey, it will work a treat to get you down off those ADD pills, stop that twitching yo :D Also bud can be medical in the way that...
  16. Tenner

    This Slob loves bacon and

    My favorite is three slices of seeded bread all buttered. Melt cheese and put bacon on the bottom one with some ketchup and tomatoes. On the top one slap 2 fried eggs with all the salad you can find. Fucking excellent, I can see why she pepper sprayed some people for THIS! After a strong zoot...
  17. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    and dank cocaine
  18. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    with drizzled petrol
  19. Tenner

    Tell me something good :) Chill Da Funk out yo!! :bigjoint:
  20. Tenner

    3 Word Story

    with a tickle