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  1. max316420

    SOS yellowing leaves as seedling

    Yes keep an eye on your ph when using tiger bloom cause its ph'd super low for longer shelf life
  2. max316420

    SOS yellowing leaves as seedling

    Sweet... Here is the ratio's Grow Big 6-4-4, Big Bloom .01-.3-.7... So if those ratio's tell you anything, it tells you that you can't use BB by itself lol Good luck bro and happy growing
  3. max316420

    Does anyone know what is wrong with plants..??? Pictures provided

    back your lights off a bit, but not too much cause you don't want your ladies stretching
  4. max316420

    Does anyone know what is wrong with plants..??? Pictures provided

    the leaf tips is due to a tad bit of heat stress other than that they look great
  5. max316420

    SOS yellowing leaves as seedling

    Dolomite lime works great at keeping your ph at a good level so I would def use it, but if your lady is a magnesium hog like one of my strains and many many other peoples then in my opinion I don't think lime has enough to satisfy all the needs of the plant. If you look on here the most common...
  6. max316420

    SOS yellowing leaves as seedling

    OOOO wait your in veg, you need their GROW BIG, 1 ts per gallon and she'll love ya for it. You will def run into problems trying to use BIG BLOOM in veg, works great as an additive but you need a stronger base nutrient
  7. max316420

    SOS yellowing leaves as seedling

    bb is just a catalyst, if your gonna use FF then you might wanna think about tiger bloom also. You'll run into all sorts of defs if you use just BB, especially if you go lite on it because its REALLY weak anyways. I would also recommend getting some calmag for flowing too. I have used FF for...
  8. max316420

    Question - Heath Zenith SL-5503-BZ 300 Watt Halogen Floodlight - Can it Work?

    Just about any light will work, just make sure you don't get it too close or you will burn your ladies.. So yes it will work.
  9. max316420

    What strain is my plant?

    and you might wanna let your soil dry out completely between waterings, looks like it is starting to show signs of overwatering
  10. max316420

    What strain is my plant?

    be happy its weed.... like above posters said, it's nearly impossible to tell the strain unless you know where it came from or who bred it
  11. max316420

    SOS yellowing leaves as seedling

    what food are you going to use?
  12. max316420

    Will changing the photoperiod during flowering be that big a problem?

    First I would gradually change the light times and second I would use the 600 watter. Nugs will be 20x's the size other than using the cfl's, get the fan and figure out how to make it work. Look at it as an investment, the more you do the more you will receive in return
  13. max316420

    Issue On My Rooms Plz.

    You might have overfed them, more is not always better
  14. max316420

    SOS yellowing leaves as seedling

    You need to start feeding it, it is starting to feed on itself... BTW looks very good for 2 weeks, looks like a nice and hardy plant. Once you start feeding her I bet she will explode with growth
  15. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    And I see where your coming from but I think the light color is caused by the light reflecting off it. I had a magnesium issue with one of my favorite strains, what is happening with his happened to my plants everytime I flowered them, tried EVERYTHING under the sun and used up almost 2 1/2...
  16. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    and to satisfy anyone that thinks its nitrogen then add some veg food. If you have more then one plant then add more N to one and more mag to a different one then you'll know exactly what the problem is. Good luck bro
  17. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    your absolutely right.... And his problem isn't major yet but if its starved of magnesium the problem with become major very quickly. You can always add some dolomite lime to get your ph to a good level and not have to worry about it anymore
  18. max316420

    Please help - Brown Spots

    then it def could be ph issue
  19. max316420

    A monster at 3 weeks from switch

    and calcium. The defs are common when using promix