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  1. mrboots

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    I like to see people going against the accepted ways of growing autos by doing things like topping them and training them. We will all learn something from the experiments going on here. I will post an update in a day or two. I am having some computer problems. I am posting this from my phone...
  2. mrboots

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    that thing looks bushy as hell, nice job! my plant is in trouble if that keeps up!
  3. mrboots

    I Found a Secret Room In My House!

    +rep for this whole thread. That video was funny as hell when you saw the spider. keep us posted on the transformation of that room in to a grow room, bomb shelter, S&M dungeon or what ever you are going to make it into.
  4. mrboots

    Health question about e pills please help!!

    I don't think extasy pills did that to you. Get another opinion.
  5. mrboots

    Any One Else Like Old School Smoking Methods

    Thats almost as good as a pipe made out of aluminum foil. Ever make one of those?
  6. mrboots

    Any One Else Like Old School Smoking Methods

    I've been smoking a lot of blunts lately, thats pretty old school.
  7. mrboots

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    Update: here's my plant, now 8 days from putting the seed in the dirt.
  8. mrboots

    last resort clone or re-veg...

    I would go ahead with both, if the clones don't take you have the re-vegg to fall back on. My only other advice is to give your flowering plant a dose of some high N fertilizer in case you need to re-vegg it. you don't want all of the fan leaves to die and fall off. Also, don't flush your...
  9. mrboots

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    I think we have six contestants.
  10. mrboots

    Where Do I Get Good Pollen?

    from good male plants!
  11. mrboots

    Wake and Bake Weed

    real kush is pure indica. If that doesn't relax you, nothing will.
  12. mrboots

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    Ok, I'm in. I was busy over the holidays and got started a bit late. This is my entry, a purple mazar from flash seeds. This is will be my second time growing out this strain. Last time I planted 10 seeds and had 6 sprout. Of those I had 5 females and 1 male. I pollenated 1 of the females for...
  13. mrboots

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    my bad, its I wrote it wrong the first time.
  14. mrboots

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice. they sell just the ballasts for cheap.
  15. mrboots

    How Many Libertarians Out There?

    You can tell when people get a big refund every year instead of a bill when they say things like this.
  16. mrboots

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    Use foam weather stripping. They sell it at Home Depot or Lowes, by the insulation.
  17. mrboots

    NV: Metro Police Raid Separate Marijuana Operations

    I'm sure they will figure out some type of legal dispensary system soon, it will just take some time. I would be completely opposed to there being a state marijuana farm, why not just clarify the law to allow a co-op or California type system? That seems much better. (but I'm not a big fan of...
  18. mrboots

    Northern California Outdoor Commercial Garbage

    It's a free market, don't buy anything thats not worth it. There must be some dispensaries out there that are selling quality product for fair prices. Find them and support them. Don't buy from the shady ones.
  19. mrboots

    NV: Metro Police Raid Separate Marijuana Operations

    There isn't really a way to operate a dispensary out here "by the book". Even the collectives are kind of a grey area that get raided occasionally. I wish prop 19 would have passed as well, Nevada probably would have been one of the next states to legalize.
  20. mrboots

    NV: Metro Police Raid Separate Marijuana Operations

    This happened in Las Vegas, Nevada. Not California. Nevada has medical marijuana, but you are supposed to grow your own. There is no dispensary system like in California. You are not allowed to sell weed for profit in this state. There are some collectives that are operating out here, but these...